Exiting the elevator, Elsa fiddled with the stuffed bear in her hands as she walked down the hallway towards her sister's room.Twenty minutes in the car with Belle, and her mood had lifted considerably, anger at Anna almost completely dissipated, but it meant there was now space in her mind to start feeling guilty about the way she'd spoken to the girl before rushing out earlier. She'd bought the soft toy as a peace offering, desperately hoping Anna wouldn't be upset at the way the older girl practically abandoned her right before a major surgery.Turning the corner, she frowned when she spied Anna's empty bed through the window to her room, her parents talking to a nurse right outside the door. She's not already- Her mouth went dry. Goddammit! I was only gone for an hour!Walking faster, she was by her parents' side in less than a few seconds, just in time to catch the tail-end of the nurse's sentence."-about half-an-hour to monitor her post-op, then we'll move her back here."Giving absolutely no thought to being polite, she interrupted the woman. "Where's Anna?" she blurted, ignoring the disapproving stares from her mother and father.