I have checked your attachments and below are my reponses :
1. Please delete our company name on MBL due to we're shipping line and doesn't have import license in addition consignee must Singapore company because POD is Singapore. I will ask ENGLEE how to mention the consignee on MBL.
2. Please delete word of "CONSIGNEE" on PL in column Marks & Nos due to that word doesn't mention on MBL also HBL.
3. Please mention number "26" on PL in column Marks & Nos.
4. Please make the description of goods in tally between MBL; HBL; and PL. You have to choose will mention 0,64 MW or 640 KW in order to avoid problem in custom clearance. You have to mention as well type of cargo on MBL and HBL as it's mentioned on PL.
5. Please mention as well 26 Pieces on your HBL.
6. Please make sure consignee address in PL also in HBL same with their address in Import license and make it in tally due to address in PL and HBL seems need to be rechecked again.