The aim of this work was to evaluate a previously-developed model on supercriticalfluid extraction (SFE) for carotenoid recovery from carrot peels on various carotenoid-rich fruit andvegetable wastes. To this end, 15 matrices, including flesh and peels of sweet potato, tomato, apricot,pumpkin and peach, as well as flesh and wastes of green, yellow and red peppers, were submittedto SFE under optimised conditions (59 ◦C, 350 bar, 15 g/min CO2, 15.5% (v/v) ethanol as co-solvent,30 min of extraction time). The obtained extracts were characterised for their total carotenoid content,antioxidant activity and total carotenoid recovery (TCR). TCR values were greater than 90% w/wfor most samples, with β-carotene being the most successfully extracted compound (TCRs 88–100%w/w). More polar carotenoids, such as lutein and lycopene, exhibited lower TCRs. A comparisonwith literature data suggested that carotenoid extraction is partially dependent on the compositionof vegetable matrices, specifically on polysaccharide and moisture content. The results indicatedthat the optimised SFE conditions can be used as a general model for carotenoid extraction fromvarious fruit and vegetable matrices and as a viable method for adding value to these waste streamsby generating carotenoid-rich extracts