Head tilted to the right, lower left and right shoulder high, his hands clasped a palm-sized keyboard is onomatopoeic, feet twisted inward, crooked mouth has become S-type. This action has become the iconic image of the great man of science. You will ask: "Who is this person ah?" But you heard the name will be very shocked, he was known as the "king of the universe," Stephen Hawking, the body will move only three fingers, and he finished a total of 25 million books to buy - "Brief History of time."
He is a British physicist who has spent a lifetime of effort to study the principles of black holes and the Big Bang, but also figure out the principle of the black hole, the black hole is a very strong gravitational objects, once inside this object, it can not come out, even light can not escape, and the black hole can not be seen with the naked eye. He raised the black hole emits radiation prophecy is now a recognized hypothesis.
Doctors who diagnose a terminal illness Hawking can only live for two years, but he has been tenaciously survived, and in this unimaginable hard to become the world's recognized scientific giant. He also established a scientific model of the universe, he was also chosen as the youngest member of the British royal. Though Hawking has become a great physicist, but he did not want to be like Zhongxingpengyue worship. He would prefer a man to work quietly for several hours in a small room, hung a wooden sign on the door that says "Please keep quiet, the owner was sleeping," it probably is not true, because he did not want to be noisy. Although he can only work with three fingers, will open an hour speech, that speech should be prepared ten days to complete, although he could not speak, because he has done through the trachea surgery was completely deprived of the right to speak, but he still chose to conduct scientific research, adhere to a lifetime of struggle.