Started from very ancient times, people will have wine and art, the good and the beautiful brotherly together. In Greek mythology, Venus and Barker Kos meet for the wine, the wine and is therefore considered to bring love and joy. Almost all art in praise of wine brings the intoxicated and inspiration. In sixteenth Century the Italy painter Allchin Berto the god Dionysus autumn as they look, the image of youth showed nervous, and exhibited in the Huan died in a spirit of harmony. The painter Francisco de Keya, Charles Foulang Sova, Derby,And Augustin Henu (AugusteRenoir) and painting are grape and the grape harvest picking scene to performance, in order to show generosity of nature. Francoi Miller's paintings show Cooper keg stout, Yajina Bodin (Eng è neBoudin) paintings is Bordeaux Wine barrel transport scene.