It is Christmas Eve and seven years since Ebenezer Scrooge's business partner Jacob Marley died. It is cold, biting weather and Scrooge is in his 'counting-house' with his eye on his clerk, Bob Cratchit.Scrooge's nephew - Fred - enters and invites his uncle to Christmas dinner the following day, as he does each year. Scrooge declines the invitation and, in doing so, attacks the whole festivity of the time of year. Fred leaves, determined to keep his 'Christmas humour'.Two gentlemen enter raising money for homeless people at Christmas time and enquire what they can put Scrooge 'down for'? He rebuffs them with the suggestion that those unable to provide for themselves should be housed in prisons or workhouses - both of which he has already contributed to through payment of taxes.The bell strikes and it is time to 'shut up shop'. Scrooge reluctantly agrees that Cratchit may have Christmas Day off, then makes his way home to his dark and dingy chambers. When he arrives at his door he is shocked to see in the knocker the face of Jacob Marley - then passes hesitantly through his rooms searching for any other ghostly signs.Scrooge assures himself that all is well, but just as he turns in for the night he hears a clanking sound down in the basement, then coming up the stairs. Scrooge tries to persuade himself it is all 'humbug' - until an apparition walks through the door. It is the ghost of Jacob Marley.