El-Sayed et al. divided randomly patients with radiculopathy whose ages were 40–55 years into the SNAGs + conventional physical therapy group and the conventional physical therapy group in their study.They explained that the SNAGs technique combined with TP is more effective in the rehabilitation program (level of evidence=1B). Copurgensli et al. designed a single blind and randomized controlled trial.They were randomly placed into three groups: group 1: conventional rehabilitation;group 2: conventional rehabilitation and MMT; and group 3:conventional rehabilitation and kinesio taping. Results of their study showed that the MMTand kinesio taping have no additional effects on neck pain, muscle strength, and neckrelated disability. Furthermore, they said that the use of the MMT and kinesio taping in addition to conventional rehabilitation, the gain in cervical ROM, and deep cervicalflexor muscle strength may be increased in patients with cervical spondylosis (level of evidence =1B).