allergic rhinitis Hx for 3-4 years and allergy to mite (Dp: 4+), FHx of Mother AR also, worsening nasal obstruction with mouth breathing and poor sleep recent 1 month after cold weather, paroxysms of clear rhinorrhea, sneezing blownose or sniff, eye itching s/p OPH Dr also, s/p Nasonex or cetirizine off and on for 1-2 years and already disontinued drug Tx for about 5 months till now, PE: pale to bluish edematous boggy nasal mucosa, severe swollen turbinates# Severity classification: >4 days a week and >4 weeks Abnormal sleep due to N-O Impairment of school due to nasal discomfort troublesome symptomsA: Moderate-severe persistent AR and CHRP: daily controlling drugs with Nasonex hs for at least 2-3 months