India has a highly civilized culture, long history will render here especially mysterious, historical heritage has preserved many distinctive ethnic festivals, experience, India Tourism visitor's biggest gains, then we all know India local traditional festivals: what? It's asked me to have a good introduction: Khajuraho Dance Festival: held annually in February or March, attracting the finest dancers. Them under the floodlights light up the magnificent temple of dance for the background. People can take it praised exists a wealth of India classical dance tradition. Khajuraho Dance Festival mango Festival:In order to celebrate the fruits of God appears, India mango Festival held in New Delhi in July. In India people's minds, mangoes represent luck, joy of life and forever. India is mango producing countries, on mango Festival, you can find a variety of mango.
Mango Festival India Republic day: India Republic day is India one of the most colorful festivals, these days, people from India around brings new Delhi, festoons, activities March, dance, speech, and so on. Drum dimensions parade on January 29 sovereign avenue open Asia, marks the end of the celebrations. India Republic day in New Delhi, the capital there are many gardens,Some tourism festivals held in the garden in late February each year. Holiday garden of colorful, delightful. At the right time to India, feel the atmosphere of strong India festivals, I believe this experience will be able to add color to your trip.
In our travel, be sure to note the six big taboos. In India in the minds of believers, cow is the Mount of Shiva, it is forbidden to eat beef or leather products. But India's Muslims do not eat pork, so visitors are advised to eat chicken or mutton. 2. in India, in left hand delivery to the local people should be avoided, because the left hand is considered unclean. 3. in India,Not to touch the child on the head, because India people think the head is sacred. 4. in India, entering the religious temples and historical sites must take off your shoes, it is best to the Malaysians. 5. visiting India at the temple, it is best not to wear shorts and skirts. 6. in India, when you see a special religious ceremony, do not scorn or criticism so that might cause trouble.