Design Thinking‐based InnovationFollowing from the previous section, design thinking‐based innovation happens in a space design that iterates (i) between analysis and synthesis (creating alternatives ideas and choosing from these alternatives), at the same time that iterates (ii) between abstract and concrete (from a concrete problem, to abstract thinking and learning about how to solve it through a final concrete solution that is finally implemented).Here I present a general model of innovation process developed through my research over the last two years that is based on combining design thinking with traditional product development processes (Osorio, 2007). The model was designed to be agnostic of whether a team is developing a new product, service, or designing a new process.The process starts with the definition of an innovation challenge from a problem, idea or business opportunity. Then, the model has four phases, each focusing in a different objective for the development process: (i) learning and discovery, (ii) alternative generation, (iii) system‐ level pre‐launch development, (iv) launch and exploitation (See Figure 1).