Blunt sword (Foil), also known as the "blunt sword" or "rapier". Composed of the blade and the hilt, hand wheel, a total length of not more than 110 cm, weight less than 500 grams. The body is made of steel, the length of not more than 90 cm, the cross section is rectangular. The length of not more than 20 cm. The hand is round, and in between the hilt, diameter of not more than 12 cm, no eccentric. There are the points of the electric blunt sword and the plain blunt sword. The front end is covered with an insulation material of the former 15 cm, and the body, hand wheel hilt | insulation; latter sword head diameter between 5.5 - 7 mm, ca. 1.5 cm. Athletes in the game can only thorn, can not be split.Saber (Sabre), also known as "saber". With blunt sword, sharp sword in the different parts of the knife can be used to split the score, so the player's action and attack is very rapid, and the other two weapons are only used to score points with a sword. By the sword, saber blade, hand wheel. Total length of not more than 105 cm, not more than 500 grams of weight. The body is made of steel, a length not exceeding 88 cm, blade and back, cross section is a rectangle. The length of not more than 17 cm. The guard for the crescent plate, for inspection cylinder size for along the diagonal into 15 cm x 14 cm in rectangle.The sharp sword (e p e e), also known as the "sword". Composed of the blade and the hilt, hand wheel, a total length of not more than 110 cm, weight less than 770 grams. The body is made of steel, the length of not more than 90 cm, the cross section three prism, the maximum is 2.4 mm wide. The length of not more than 20 cm. The guard is circular, depth of 3-5.5 cm, the maximum diameter of 13.5 cm, 3.5 cm maximum eccentricity.