00:00:01,970 --> 00:00:05,732
As much as I might like a vignette effect for certain images, I actually add it as
00:00:05,732 --> 00:00:09,437
a creative effect sometimes, as a matter-of-fact, generally speaking, with
00:00:09,437 --> 00:00:13,028
older images that show a vignetting, a darkening of the corners, I prefer to
00:00:13,028 --> 00:00:18,374
remove that effect. You can see in this image, the vignetting
00:00:18,374 --> 00:00:22,500
is rather obvious, especially up in the sky, where the sky is relatively bright.
00:00:22,500 --> 00:00:25,100
But in the corners, it appears quite dark.
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It's not quite as evident down below, because there's more going on, and
00:00:27,920 --> 00:00:31,070
there's some shadows on the ground here, for example.
00:00:31,070 --> 00:00:34,060
And so, it's not as obvious at the bottom of the image, but it's still there.
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And I'd like to even out the overall tones for the photo.
00:00:37,720 --> 00:00:41,850
In most cases, I'll use the lens correction filter in order to brighten
00:00:41,850 --> 00:00:46,760
the corners and the edges to remove a vignetting effect.
00:00:46,760 --> 00:00:50,080
Because that's actually going to be changing pixel values in the image.
00:00:50,080 --> 00:00:54,720
And I do need to work directly on pixels when I'm working with the lens correction filter.
00:00:54,720 --> 00:00:58,230
I'll start off by making a copy of my background image layer.
00:00:58,230 --> 00:01:01,430
So I'll drag the thumbnail for that background image layer down to the create
00:01:01,430 --> 00:01:06,270
new layer at the bottom of the layers panel, and that will make a background copy.
00:01:06,270 --> 00:01:09,751
I can also rename this layer if I'd like, I'll go ahead, for example, and
00:01:09,751 --> 00:01:13,704
double-click on the name of my background copy layer and I'll just type vignette
00:01:13,704 --> 00:01:18,691
correction so that I know what that layer is there for.
00:01:18,691 --> 00:01:23,660
I can then press Enter or Return on the keyboard in order to apply that name change.
00:01:23,660 --> 00:01:28,145
I'll then choose Filter, followed by Lens Correction, from the menu, and that will
00:01:28,145 --> 00:01:32,915
bring up the lens correction dialog. I wont be making use of the Auto
00:01:32,915 --> 00:01:36,506
Correction options, so I'll just move directly to the Custom tab in the Lens
00:01:36,506 --> 00:01:40,439
Correction dialog, and the controls I'm interested in are in the Vignette section
00:01:40,439 --> 00:01:45,906
appropriately enough. The amount slider determines how strong
00:01:45,906 --> 00:01:48,846
an adjustment will be applied to the image, moving toward the right will
00:01:48,846 --> 00:01:52,031
brighten the edges of the image, where moving to the left will darken the edges
00:01:52,031 --> 00:01:56,270
of the image. I'll leave the amount value at a strong
00:01:56,270 --> 00:01:59,735
negative value so that we can see a stronger vignetting effect here, just so
00:01:59,735 --> 00:02:04,900
that we can just better see the effect of changing the mid point value.
00:02:04,900 --> 00:02:08,310
If I move the slider to the left, from mid point, you'll see that vignetting
00:02:08,310 --> 00:02:11,940
effect moves further into the image, and if I move over toward the right, you'll
00:02:11,940 --> 00:02:16,140
see that less of the image is being corrected.
00:02:16,140 --> 00:02:21,830
So in essence I'm defining the size of that vignette area, in terms of the adjustment.
00:02:21,830 --> 00:02:26,970
The correction will be applied. I'll go ahead and first fine tune the amount.
00:02:26,970 --> 00:02:29,285
I'll lighten the edges of the images obviously.
00:02:29,285 --> 00:02:31,680
Hopefully in this case. And I need to be careful, I need to pay
00:02:31,680 --> 00:02:35,012
attention to the image while I'm working because the vignetting is effecting not
00:02:35,012 --> 00:02:38,710
just the corners, but also the edges of the photo.
00:02:38,710 --> 00:02:42,238
And I can see the corners still have a little bit of a vignette effect, but the
00:02:42,238 --> 00:02:46,356
edge is getting quite bright. I can work with the mid point slider, in
00:02:46,356 --> 00:02:50,535
order to try to minimize that effect. In other words having the adjustment only
00:02:50,535 --> 00:02:54,618
effect the corners, but not the edges. I could draw the adjustment further into
00:02:54,618 --> 00:02:57,432
the photo. Or push it outward so that it's not
00:02:57,432 --> 00:03:01,100
effecting those edge areas. So now we can see that this portion of
00:03:01,100 --> 00:03:04,080
the photo is not being lightened quite as much.
00:03:04,080 --> 00:03:07,446
And actually right about there I think, it's not being effected at all, whereas
00:03:07,446 --> 00:03:12,700
that amount slider is still going to be relatively effective at adjusting the corners.
00:03:12,700 --> 00:03:16,720
So I can continue tinkering with those adjustment settings as needed, until I'm
00:03:16,720 --> 00:03:20,668
happy with the result. Once I feel I've achieved a good result,
00:03:20,668 --> 00:03:25,060
then I can simply click The okay button in order to apply that change.
00:03:25,060 --> 00:03:28,580
And because I used a separate layer to apply this effect I can also now turn off
00:03:28,580 --> 00:03:31,770
the visibility for that vignette correction layer in order to see the
00:03:31,770 --> 00:03:38,420
before version of the photo and I can turn it back on to see the after version.
00:03:38,420 --> 00:03:41,995
And I think this is a big improvement we evened out the overall tonality so we no
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longer have those strong dark corners.
100:00:01,970--> 00:00:05,732就像小插曲的影响,对于某些图像可能等我实际上将它作为添加200:00:05,732--> 00:00:09,437一个创造性的影响有时,作为以实事求是,一般来说,与300:00:09,437--> 00:00:13,028旧的图像表明,渐晕,发暗的角落里,我喜欢不喜欢400:00:13,028--> 00:00:18,374删除该效果。你可以看到在此图像中,渐晕500:00:18,374--> 00:00:22,500在天空是相对明亮的天空,是相当明显的尤其是上升。600:00:22,500--> 00:00:25,100但在角落里,看起来很暗。700:00:25,100--> 00:00:27,920它不是很明显下下面,因为还有更多事情,和800:00:27,920--> 00:00:31,070例如在这里,地上还有一些阴影。900:00:31,070--> 00:00:34,060所以,它并不像明显底部的图像,但它仍然是那里。1000:00:34,060--> 00:00:37,720我想甚至整体色调中的照片。1100:00:37,720--> 00:00:41,850在大多数情况下,我将使用镜头校正滤镜以照亮1200:00:41,850--> 00:00:46,760角落和边缘消除渐晕的效果。1300:00:46,760--> 00:00:50,080因为实际上,这会改变图像中的像素值。1400:00:50,080--> 00:00:54,720我需要工作直接在像素上,当我正与镜头校正滤镜。1500:00:54,720--> 00:00:58,230我先从我背景图像图层复制一份。1600:00:58,230--> 00:01:01,430所以我会拖到创建该背景图像图层的缩略图1700:01:01,430--> 00:01:06,270新层底部的层面板中,并将制作背景副本。1800:01:06,270--> 00:01:09,751可以也是重命名此层如果我愿意,我会吧,举个例子,和1900:01:09,751--> 00:01:13,704双击我的背景副本图层的名称,我会只是类型小插图2000:01:13 704--> 00:01:18,691校正,我知道什么该图层是有的。2100:01:18,691--> 00:01:23,660我可以然后按 enter 键或返回键盘上,将该名称更改应用。2200:01:23,660--> 00:01:28,145然后,我会选择筛选器,从菜单上,依次镜头校正,和那将会2300:01:28,145--> 00:01:32,915提起镜头校正对话框。我不会再做汽车的使用2400:01:32,915--> 00:01:36,506校正选项,所以我就直接移动到自定义选项卡中对镜头2500:01:36,506--> 00:01:40,439校正对话框和控件我很感兴趣是在小插图部分2600:01:40,439--> 00:01:45,906够了。数量滑块确定如何坚强2700:01:45,906--> 00:01:48,846调整将应用于图像,向右移动2800:01:48,846--> 00:01:52,031brighten the edges of the image, where moving to the left will darken the edges2900:01:52,031 --> 00:01:56,270of the image. I'll leave the amount value at a strong3000:01:56,270 --> 00:01:59,735negative value so that we can see a stronger vignetting effect here, just so3100:01:59,735 --> 00:02:04,900that we can just better see the effect of changing the mid point value.3200:02:04,900 --> 00:02:08,310If I move the slider to the left, from mid point, you'll see that vignetting3300:02:08,310 --> 00:02:11,940effect moves further into the image, and if I move over toward the right, you'll3400:02:11,940 --> 00:02:16,140see that less of the image is being corrected.3500:02:16,140 --> 00:02:21,830So in essence I'm defining the size of that vignette area, in terms of the adjustment.3600:02:21,830 --> 00:02:26,970The correction will be applied. I'll go ahead and first fine tune the amount.3700:02:26,970 --> 00:02:29,285I'll lighten the edges of the images obviously.3800:02:29,285 --> 00:02:31,680Hopefully in this case. And I need to be careful, I need to pay3900:02:31,680 --> 00:02:35,012attention to the image while I'm working because the vignetting is effecting not4000:02:35,012 --> 00:02:38,710just the corners, but also the edges of the photo.4100:02:38,710 --> 00:02:42,238And I can see the corners still have a little bit of a vignette effect, but the4200:02:42,238 --> 00:02:46,356edge is getting quite bright. I can work with the mid point slider, in4300:02:46,356 --> 00:02:50,535order to try to minimize that effect. In other words having the adjustment only4400:02:50,535 --> 00:02:54,618effect the corners, but not the edges. I could draw the adjustment further into4500:02:54,618 --> 00:02:57,432the photo. Or push it outward so that it's not4600:02:57,432 --> 00:03:01,100effecting those edge areas. So now we can see that this portion of4700:03:01,100 --> 00:03:04,080the photo is not being lightened quite as much.4800:03:04,080 --> 00:03:07,446And actually right about there I think, it's not being effected at all, whereas4900:03:07,446 --> 00:03:12,700that amount slider is still going to be relatively effective at adjusting the corners.5000:03:12,700 --> 00:03:16,720So I can continue tinkering with those adjustment settings as needed, until I'm5100:03:16,720 --> 00:03:20,668happy with the result. Once I feel I've achieved a good result,5200:03:20,668 --> 00:03:25,060then I can simply click The okay button in order to apply that change.5300:03:25,060 --> 00:03:28,580And because I used a separate layer to apply this effect I can also now turn off5400:03:28,580 --> 00:03:31,770the visibility for that vignette correction layer in order to see the5500:03:31,770 --> 00:03:38,420before version of the photo and I can turn it back on to see the after version.5600:03:38,420--> 00:03:41,995这是一个巨大的进步,我们扯平了整体色调所以我们没有5700:03:41,995--> 00:03:45,070再有那些强大的黑暗角落里。