The day began like any other. The market streets overflowed with mothers and their children, merchants, and those willing to drop the coin. The familiar rumbling and clouds of sandy dust filled the air as the two of us pulled our delivery trolleys.
“We’ll make a pit stop before we leave town, to cross the dense meadows before we reach the mountains. Not too sure on our client though, first time I’ve ever had to deliver this far.” Tsume huffed as he kept a steady pace, the melons piled behind him almost nothing as he trot. I bared the burden of the lighter load, donning citrus and the like, though keeping up with a Ridea is a challenge in its own.
“Sure thing I’m pretty perched myself! Though I got a weird feeling, who request a delivery to the foot of a mountain?” Ignoring my suspicions I continued on until we finally reached the last pit stop before we left town. A slender young coyote dressed in ashen robes, sat behind a spaciously housed counter. Water troughs lined the front of the small building, I wasn’t familiar with the posts this close to the edge of town, but something felt odd. As we approached the coyote, took notice of us. Turning on a valve from where he was sitting the metallic basins quickly filled with fresh water for the two of us.
“Welcome my friends, you look thirsty please help yourself?” His demeanor was welcoming and overly friendly, as he came out from hind his counter to inspect the bindings securing our cargo.
“Umm, hey there! Thanks for the water but I don’t think we’ll be staying very long, Mr…?” I raised a brow, as his paw brushed against my flank as he inspected a leather strap.
“Ohh sorry for being so forward, I just can’t help but admire your harness. I’m, but a humble assistant, call me Lyk. You’re not a Ridea are you?” He quizzed, getting uncomfortably close. Encountering this question on a near daily basis, I simply rolled my eyes. “I’m a hybrid species… Must you continue touching me?” My answer was succinct and slightly annoyed due to his hovering.
“Hurry and drink Ette, we still need to make two other deliveries before nightfall!” Tsume began to gulp mouthfuls of the water from the deep trough. Lyk returned behind his counter, tail wagging unusually happy. I could feel him watch me as I joined Tsume in our drink, I felt very uncomfortable. The water was fresh, but had an odd oily residue that could be felt on the thin ridges of my lips. I managed only a few mouthfuls, I didn’t care much for this place and wanted to leave quickly. Without as much as a glance behind us, we both took off past the boundaries of the town. Doubling our pace we tried to make up for lost time. Tusme lead the way down the narrow sandy pathway, putting some distance between us to avoid spraying me with stray debris of loose gravel. The meadows spanned a mile before reaching our destination, at our current pace it wouldn’t be long till we arrived.
The midday sun was warm, unusually so as we trek past shrubbery and grassland. With each step, the rumble of my carriage echoed inside my skull. The heat from the roads surface became more visible to me, as I began to see mirages of puddles before me. I continued several more feet, trying to convince myself it was all in my head. The world began to swirl; faintly I could see Tsume ahead of me though he too seemed oddly sluggish. Something wasn’t right…
“Ts...Tsume! I...I don’t feel so good…” I mumbled though from that distance he could never hear me. I slowed further feeling short of breath, looking forward I caught a glimpse of Tsume collapsing to the side of the road. I panicked with the last bit of comprehension my mind could muster in the haze that overwhelmed it. Tripping over my paws, my face met the warm gravel as the wooden creak of the wheels silenced. Everything faded to black like spilled ink…
Pain shocked me from my slumber as I abruptly came to. A heavy sensation could be felt along my back as if someone was on me. My blood ran cold as the unforgettab
The day began like any other. The market streets overflowed with mothers and their children, merchants, and those willing to drop the coin. The familiar rumbling and clouds of sandy dust filled the air as the two of us pulled our delivery trolleys. “We’ll make a pit stop before we leave town, to cross the dense meadows before we reach the mountains. Not too sure on our client though, first time I’ve ever had to deliver this far.” Tsume huffed as he kept a steady pace, the melons piled behind him almost nothing as he trot. I bared the burden of the lighter load, donning citrus and the like, though keeping up with a Ridea is a challenge in its own.“Sure thing I’m pretty perched myself! Though I got a weird feeling, who request a delivery to the foot of a mountain?” Ignoring my suspicions I continued on until we finally reached the last pit stop before we left town. A slender young coyote dressed in ashen robes, sat behind a spaciously housed counter. Water troughs lined the front of the small building, I wasn’t familiar with the posts this close to the edge of town, but something felt odd. As we approached the coyote, took notice of us. Turning on a valve from where he was sitting the metallic basins quickly filled with fresh water for the two of us.“Welcome my friends, you look thirsty please help yourself?” His demeanor was welcoming and overly friendly, as he came out from hind his counter to inspect the bindings securing our cargo.“Umm, hey there! Thanks for the water but I don’t think we’ll be staying very long, Mr…?” I raised a brow, as his paw brushed against my flank as he inspected a leather strap.“Ohh sorry for being so forward, I just can’t help but admire your harness. I’m, but a humble assistant, call me Lyk. You’re not a Ridea are you?” He quizzed, getting uncomfortably close. Encountering this question on a near daily basis, I simply rolled my eyes. “I’m a hybrid species… Must you continue touching me?” My answer was succinct and slightly annoyed due to his hovering.“Hurry and drink Ette, we still need to make two other deliveries before nightfall!” Tsume began to gulp mouthfuls of the water from the deep trough. Lyk returned behind his counter, tail wagging unusually happy. I could feel him watch me as I joined Tsume in our drink, I felt very uncomfortable. The water was fresh, but had an odd oily residue that could be felt on the thin ridges of my lips. I managed only a few mouthfuls, I didn’t care much for this place and wanted to leave quickly. Without as much as a glance behind us, we both took off past the boundaries of the town. Doubling our pace we tried to make up for lost time. Tusme lead the way down the narrow sandy pathway, putting some distance between us to avoid spraying me with stray debris of loose gravel. The meadows spanned a mile before reaching our destination, at our current pace it wouldn’t be long till we arrived. The midday sun was warm, unusually so as we trek past shrubbery and grassland. With each step, the rumble of my carriage echoed inside my skull. The heat from the roads surface became more visible to me, as I began to see mirages of puddles before me. I continued several more feet, trying to convince myself it was all in my head. The world began to swirl; faintly I could see Tsume ahead of me though he too seemed oddly sluggish. Something wasn’t right…“Ts...Tsume! I...I don’t feel so good…” I mumbled though from that distance he could never hear me. I slowed further feeling short of breath, looking forward I caught a glimpse of Tsume collapsing to the side of the road. I panicked with the last bit of comprehension my mind could muster in the haze that overwhelmed it. Tripping over my paws, my face met the warm gravel as the wooden creak of the wheels silenced. Everything faded to black like spilled ink…Pain shocked me from my slumber as I abruptly came to. A heavy sensation could be felt along my back as if someone was on me. My blood ran cold as the unforgettab