This study aims to examine the relationship marketing, service quality, and customer loyalty in LED lighting industry. Specifically, the objectives of this study can be summarize as follows:
• Exploring the correlation between related marketing, service quality and customer loyalty in LED lighting industry respectively.
• Empirically examine the influence of relative marketing strategy on service quality and customer loyalty respectively.
• Investigate how gender, age, education, occupation and income affects relative
marketing strategy.
• The feasibility of applying the results of this study to existing LED lighting industry.
This study demonstrates the related marketing strategy has significant influence on service quality, and customer loyalty respectively. The statistical results indicate that, under different demographic variables (gender, age, education, occupation, and income), can significantly discriminate relative marketing, service quality and customer loyalty respectively.
Key words: LED lighting industry, relationship marketing, service quality, customer loyalty,
This study aims to examine the relationship marketing, service quality, and customer loyalty in LED lighting industry. Specifically, the objectives of this study can be summarize as follows:
• Exploring the correlation between related marketing, service quality and customer loyalty in LED lighting industry respectively.
• Empirically examine the influence of relative marketing strategy on service quality and customer loyalty respectively.
• Investigate how gender, age, education, occupation and income affects relative
marketing strategy.
• The feasibility of applying the results of this study to existing LED lighting industry.
This study demonstrates the related marketing strategy has significant influence on service quality, and customer loyalty respectively. The statistical results indicate that, under different demographic variables (gender, age, education, occupation, and income), can significantly discriminate relative marketing, service quality and customer loyalty respectively.
Key words: LED lighting industry, relationship marketing, service quality, customer loyalty,