Numerical results are obtained using WSNs with a number of nodes of 5 to 50 nodes in the network. The network area is chosen to be 100×100 m2. The information generation rate b is set to 6 Mbps and the link capacity Q is set to 10 Mbps as in [19]. The initial energy Ei is set to 1 Joule while the maximum delay is set to 1.8 seconds [7]. The energy coefficient t and r are set to 50 nJ/bit and amp is set to 100 pJ/bit/m2 as in [14]. For MOGA implementation, the population size is 300 individuals and the number of generations is 300. Meanwhile GA operators are chosen such that the crossover probability which is equal to 0.8 per pair and the mutation probability is 0.2 per individual.