The sustainable development theory of rural tourism
International Union for Conservation of Nature ( IUCN) believes
that sustainable development is an allowed development
process under the circumstance of not depleting or damaging
resources. As far as the sustainable development of tourism is
concerned, it should also include ecological sustainability, social and cultural sustainability and economic sustainability at the
same time. The definition given by World Tourism Organization
to sustainable development of tourism is that it maintains cultural and ecological integrity and at the same time meets people's
economic, social and aesthetic needs. Meanwhile, it not only
brings today's hosts and visitors livelihoods, but also protects
and promotes the interests of generations in the future and offers them the same opportunities. The core idea of sustainable
development of rural tourism is based on the unification of economic, social and ecological benefits. Its goal is not only to satisfy people's travel needs and achieve full development of individuals, but also to protect tourism resources and environment,
so as to make future generations have the same opportunities
and rights in tourism development. Therefore, what tourism
sustainable development concerns is the coordination of ecology, economy, and society centering on human and nature [ 3 ] .