The biggest battle is the unparalleled Karno in the war Bharatayudha. The battle between the Duke of Karno on one side against the other hand Bhima.Arjuna and Duke of Karno is actually a brother raised different dads. Born of the mother Kunti Nalibronto, Arjuna was the son of Pandu Dewanata.While the Duke of Karno was born due to Kunti's fault in the youth who have been abused Ajian Pameling to call the Solar deity. By the God Surya, Kunti was given a child which is deposited into her womb.Feel ashamed of getting pregnant without a husband, finally children born through Her ears at the larung to river Ganga. Later the children named the Basukarno found by a Royal Coachman named AdirotoShe has seen both and begged Duke Karno to join the Pandava to fight Kurawa. But the request was rejected by the Duke of Karno. The satriya as have been raised and raised them by Duryudana, they should not deprive Karno. Duke of Karno feel has been much indebted. And obligations of him as the satriya for replying to it."Mom ... I do not grudge to mother who has throw me into the River Ganges in infancy. It all is the destiny I have to undertake. However, I can not grant the petition for the mother to join my brothers in the Mahabharata. Not because I don't love them. But it's more because I have been indebted to Kurawa, especially Duryudana. Duryudanalah that have been raising me and lifted my degrees. I didn't want to be a coward who only appears satriya disaat-saat happy and run when they need me. What are the words of the gods if I do that. Ma'afkan I, mother ... "so Duke Karno provide explanation.Instantly the atmosphere must envelop their chest. There are no words spoken other than just shedding tears that wet the cheeks. They embraced long ago.Eventually the war Bharatayudhapun broke. Duke of Karno appeared with chariots with King Shalya as kusirnya. While on the other hand, Arjuna's chariot comes up with that dikusiri Krishna.When the battle happened, both mutually rained arrows. But none about both. It looks like both are equally not bear injuring his opponent. Sometimes the rain of arrows between the two stops for a moment just to just you met each other's point of view.Pada hari ketujuh belas, perang tanding antara Karna dan Arjuna dilanjutkan kembali. Setelah bertempur dalam waktu yang cukup lama, kutukan atas diri Karna pun menjadi kenyataan. Ketika Arjuna membidiknya menggunakan panah Pasupati, salah satu roda keretanya terperosok ke dalam lumpur sampai terbenam setengahnya. Karna tidak peduli, ia pun membaca mantra untuk mengerahkan kesaktiannya mengimbangi Pasupati. Namun, kutukan kedua juga menjadi kenyataan. Karna tiba-tiba lupa terhadap semua ilmu yang pernah ia pelajari dari Begawan Druwasa atau Parasu.Karna meminta Arjuna untuk menahan diri sementara ia turun untuk mendorong keretanya agar kembali berjalan normal. Pada saat itulah Kresna mendesak agar Arjuna segera membunuh Karna karena ini adalah kesempatan terbaik. Arjuna ragu-ragu karena saat itu Karna sedang lengah dan berada di bawah. Kresna mengingatkan Arjuna bahwa Karna sebelumnya juga berlaku curang karena ikut mengeroyok Abimanyu sampai mati pada hari ketiga belas. Teringat pada kematian putranya yang tragis tersebut, Arjuna pun melepaskan panah Pasupati yang melesat menembus lehernya Karna. Karna pun tewas dengan kepala mengarah ke kanan dan tersenyum menghadap arjuna, arjuna menanngis dan menghampiri kakaknya yang telah tewas.Pada akhirnya Arjunapun harus pasrah menerima takdir hidupnya sebagai senopati yang telah membunuh saudara kandungnya sendiri.Inilah perang. dalam perang selalu akan ada pihak yang tersingkir. Tidak peduli siapa yang benar. Karena kebenaran yang hakiki hanyalah milik Allah SWT semata. Wallahu’alam bishowab.