Secondly, it does not seem 45 for those who get to school early. They could have a spot near the front but instead they must park near the back. It is even less 47 when it is raining or snowing and students who 48 to school early must walk further across the parking lot because they are not a senior.
Lastly, no matter how hard the school tries to 49 senior parking, there will always be those freshmen who 50 to park in the senior parking spaces, regardless of the 51 . Meanwhile, the school authority has hardly got a proper measure to punish those who 52 the regulation.
Senior parking is great if you are a senior but for the majority of the school, it is 53 . If seniors want to park in the front they should arrive at school 54 . There are several other 55 seniors can still have but senior parking should not be one of them.