Bittrex will be hosting the Breakout Crowdfund Campaign. As a reminder, we are providing escrow for the development team. We are not endorsing this coin or any others on our exchange. Please do your own research before trading.
Breakout ANN -
Below are the full terms for the Breakout Crowdfunding campaign. These conditions will not change during the crowdfunding period.
Bittrex will host 6,627,494 Breakout Coins (BRK). The Breakout Coin price will have a floor at 4500/BTC. If all 6,627,494 BRK are not sold at this price raising approximately 1,472.79 BTC, the unsold Breakout Coin will be provably destroyed by Bittrex. If more than 1,472.79 BTC are collected, then the 6,627,494 BRK will be split proportional to the funds received.
BRK coins and BRX Coins (the latter as bonuses) from the sale will be distributed by Bittrex immediately after the sale.
Early buyer incentive schedule:
Hour 1: 25% Bonus BRK (Starts June 13, 2016 10am PDT)
Week 1: 15% Bonus BRK (Starts June 13, 2016 11am PDT)
Week 2: 10% Bonus BRK (Starts June 20, 2016 11am PDT)
Week 3: 5% Bonus BRK (Starts June 27, 2016 11am PDT)
Bittrex will also give away Breakout Stake (BRX) as funding target rewards from a pool of 6,627,494 BRX. The approximate reward tiers are:
< 2000 BTC Raise 0 BRX rewards
2000 BTC Raised ~6 BRX Rewarded per 100 BRK Bought
5000 BTC Raised ~25 BRX Rewarded per 100 BRK Bought
7500 BTC Raised ~60 BRX Rewarded per 100 BRK Bought
10,000 BTC Raised ~100 BRX Rewarded per 100 BRK Bought
Once 2000 BTC is reached, the precise BRX reward schedule is: Y=9.262 * 10**-7 * X**2 + 4.954 * 10**4 * X, where Y is the number of BRX rewarded per 100 BRK Bought and X is the number of BTC raised in the sale. Above 10k BTC, the reward is fixed at 100 BRX/BRK and below 2000 BTC, the reward is fixed at 0 BRX/BRK.
Any Breakout Stake (BRX) not rewarded will be held by Bittrex in escrow to be offered by Breakout in a later sale.
The crowdfund will run for approximately 25 days beginning June 13, 2016 10:00 AM PDT (01:00 PM EDT) and run until July 7, 2016 07:00 PM PDT (10:00 PM EDT). Trading fees are not refunded under any circumstances.
Once the crowdfund is over, Bittrex will verify there is a working wallet, blockchain, and block explorer. Within 3 days of the crowdfund ending Bittrex will release the funds raised to the Breakout development team and open the market for trading.
No trading of the coin will be allowed until the crowdfund ends and escrow is released.
ALL SALES ARE FINAL AND THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS - by participating in this crowdfund, you are agreeing to the above terms.
While Bittrex does verify that the wallets, block explorer, and blockchain work immediately after the CFC period, we do not verify or endorse any claims the developer makes around their business model for the coin or that they will continue to maintain the code base. Before choosing to donate, the user must decide for themselves what level of risk they are willing to take.
We are mindful of scams, copyright violations, and offensive subjects and reserve the right to refuse any coin on our platform and cancel a CFC at any time
Bittrex 将主办突破 Crowdfund 运动。作为一个提醒,我们正在为开发团队提供代管。我们不赞成这种硬币或任何其他人对我们的交流。请交易之前,做你自己的研究。突破安-下面是突破集资活动的充分条件。这些条件在集资期间不会改变。Bittrex 将主办 6,627,494 突破硬币 (BRK)。漏钢硬币价格将有 4500/BTC 的底部。如果所有 6,627,494 BRK 不卖这个价格提高大约 1,472.79 BTC,未售出的突破硬币将被证明为摧毁 Bittrex。如果您超过 1,472.79 BTC 被收集起来,然后 6,627,494 BRK 将分割所收到的资金成正比。在卖出后,立即由 Bittrex 分布式 BRK 硬币和 BRX 硬币 (后者作为奖金) 出售早期的买方激励计划 ︰小时 1: 25%红利 BRK (开始 2016 年 6 月 13 日 10 上午 PDT)周 1: 15%红利 BRK (开始 2016 年 6 月 13 日 11 上午 PDT)周 2: 10%红利 BRK (开始 2016 年 6 月 20 日 11 上午 PDT)周 3: 5%奖金 BRK (开始 2016 年 6 月 27 日 11 上午 PDT)Bittrex 还将送出突破股份 (BRX) 作为资金池 6,627,494 BRX 目标回报。近似奖励层是 ︰< 2000 BTC 提高 0 BRX 奖励2000 BTC 提出奖励每 100 BRK 买了 ~ 6 BRX5000 BTC 提出奖励每 100 BRK 买了 ~ 25 BRX7500 BTC 提出 ~ 60 BRX 奖励每 100 BRK 买了10,000 BTC 提出奖励每 100 BRK 买了 ~ 100 BRX一旦达到了 2000 BTC,精确的 BRX 奖励计划是 ︰ Y = 9.262 * 10 * *-7 * X * * 2 + 4.954 * 10 * * 4 * X,Y BRX 奖励每 100 BRK 买数目,X 是 BTC 义卖所得善款数目。以上 10 k BTC,奖励固定在 100 BRX/伯克希尔和低于 2000 BTC,奖励在 0 BRX/BRK 固定的。不奖励任何突破的股份 (BRX) 将举行由 Bittrex 代管,会在以后的销售提供了突破。Crowdfund 将运行约 25 天开始 2016 年 6 月 13 日 10:00 上午 PDT (01:00 PM EDT) 和运行直到 2016 年 7 月 7 日 07:00 PM PDT (10:00 PM 东部时间)。交易费用在任何情况下均不退还。Crowdfund 一旦结束,Bittrex 将验证有工作的钱包,blockchain 和块资源管理器。Crowdfund 3 天内结束 Bittrex,将释放到突破开发团队筹集的资金和打开市场的交易。没有交易硬币将直到 crowdfund 两端和代管允许被释放。所有销售都是最终和有没有退款-通过参加这个 crowdfund,表示您同意上述条款。While Bittrex does verify that the wallets, block explorer, and blockchain work immediately after the CFC period, we do not verify or endorse any claims the developer makes around their business model for the coin or that they will continue to maintain the code base. Before choosing to donate, the user must decide for themselves what level of risk they are willing to take.We are mindful of scams, copyright violations, and offensive subjects and reserve the right to refuse any coin on our platform and cancel a CFC at any time