5.5 Setting of Spectrum AnalyzerBasic setting methods are shown in Table 9. Setting methods shall be selected from either theSection 5.5.1 or the Section 5.5.2. In the case where there are compelling reasons that the settingmethods cannot be selected from Table 9, the setting methods may be partly changed to the extentthat there will be no chance to arise any doubt in terms of the measurement results in accordance withthe discussion among departments involved.5.5.1 Setting Method for Each Measurement FrequencyThis setting is used to separately measure an individual frequency band. Basic setting shall be inaccordance with Table 9. The spectrum analyzer shall be set up with using the setting example ofTable 10 for reference.5.5.2 Setting Method for Multiple Bands MeasurementThis setting is used to simultaneously measure multiple frequency bands. It shall be in accordancewith basic setting shown in Table 9. The spectrum analyzer shall be set up in reference to the settingexample shown in Table 11.