Some people think that groups of individuals affected with damaging, because the group is often irrational, blind activist. But from another angle, in everyday life has a lot of decisions, is often the method of mining agreements, drawing on community organization and to promote, as various civic organizations established, one of its aims. Social psychologists study conclusions, that group improved its previous comments and views of members of the seminar. If most people had opinions bias case, after a group discussion, increase in the degree of bias in a case; if the general opinion that the second option is not suitable for, after some discussion, considered that the case is not suitable for strong, this is called Group polarization. Group decision tends to be polarized, as most people did not join in the Group decided the views of groups before. That is to say, if most people initially on the adventurous side, the Group decided to be more adventurous; if the majority views of the original conservative groups decided to tend to be more conservative. Group polarization, some scholars believe that, through each debate, original members of the group can own no or no views and rhetoric, convincing these new data, may cause a person to change their decision. Social comparison theory explains the emphasis generally has the evaluation of one's own nature, and personal evaluation is often similar to the behavior of others as a standard for comparison. Group discussion process provides an opportunity to compare, with people and their views are similar and more polarized have love and admiration of the reaction, so the Group decided to become polarized.