5. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for a man who decapitated a
4-year-old girl in a knife attack in Taipei two months ago.
Prosecute (v.); prosecution (n.); prosecutor (n.)
seeking death penalty求處死刑
Decapitate/ cap 砍頭 斬首
In a knifeattack
The Shilin District Prosecutors' Office yesterday indicted 33-year-old Wang Jing-yu on charges of homicide.
Shilin District Prosecutors’ Office士林地檢署
On charges of homicide 以殺人罪起訴
The attack occurred on March 28-th outside an MRT station in the city's Neihu District.
Prosecutors say a psychiatric assessment from Taipei Veterans General
Hospital shows Wang was not suffering from any mental disabilities or
disorders at the time of the crime.
psychiatric assessment 精神鑑定
Veterans General Hospital 榮總
Mental disabilities
Disorder 障礙/ mental disabilities or disorders心神喪失
At the time of the crime犯案時 作案時
According to the prosecutors' office Wang has also never showed remorse or expressed apologies to the victim's family since the attack or his arrest.
Never show remorse毫無悔意/ show no remorse
Express apologies to表示歉意
Victim受害人 witness/ eyewitness目擊者 on-looker旁觀者;
Passer( s)-by路過的人