hi, thank you! :-{}
I would like to have a serious relationship although
I don't know if that's possible in Int. so I'm looking just for a good man!
it is my first time I try to correspondence with man in Int. world.
I want to see real life and it is impossible to see without
person who knows all sides of the life .......
I will work abroad for three months or more.
Today In my country many young girls and guys also want to start a new life abroad, so
many of them used a special program for young people who wants to
work abroad. I also decided to do so and to use it. This program just helps to
register documents and gives suitable work in any state(town)of USA,
Canada or Europe (or other big country).
I just need to choose.I already started to register documents and now
I need to decide in which city I want to work.. I never been abroad so
I decided to find a friend abroad and make his
city to be my destination. I will leave my town in a few days or so.
I can't tell you everything exactly right now......
I think that my e-mail starts to be too long ? ok ;-)
I think that it is hard enough to live in foreign town without friends !But ...
I don't want to live in my country because I have not any chances here,it
is hardly possible to explain it by the first time but I want you to
know my plans. The forecast for my country in 2013 awful (mass disorders of workers on periphery,
reductions of workplaces, rise in price of the foodstuffs and clothes). It is very terrible.
The economic crisis will reach apogee...!
Im 24 years old and Im not af raid of work. I shall work in sphere of trade (food)
I think it is the right way for me!
I am full of plans and different dreams.
I have brown hair and brown eyes. I think I look very good, but
first of all I want to be beautiful inside.
I do hope that you will be not disappointed to meet me in the real
life if we will meet :-)
I would like to be sure that I have a man who waits for me there.
if you have any interest to meet me I will be more than happy to meet
you too. My be it sounds silly but I just don't want to be alone in the
evenings,and I want to be sure in advance that somebody waits for me!
I hope I'm your type of girl, I'm not sure ....but....!! I hope so!