Figure 1. (a) Time-dependent accumulation of ciprofloxacin by six E. coli UTI isolates without CCCP and following CCCP addition at 5 min. Results for accumulation by isolates F5, F8, F9, F13, F14 and F18 without CCCP are depicted by filled circles, inverted triangles, squares, diamonds, triangles and ovals, respectively. Results for accumulation by isolates following CCCP addition are depicted by open circles, triangles squares, diamonds, inverted triangles and ovals, respectively. (b) Time-dependent differential accumulation of ciprofloxacin by six E. coli UTI isolates. The difference in ciprofloxacin accumulation by isolates F5, F8, F9, F13, F14 and F18 are depicted by filled circles, open circles, filled inverted triangles, open triangles, filled squares and open squares, respectively. Difference in ciprofloxacin accumulation = (accumulation in presence of CCCP)–(accumulation without CCCP).