AO Tab
Most of the edit controls at the top of the AO tab have the same meaning as their counterparts on the 'Mount' tab. The guiding algorithms apply to the control of the tip/tilt optical element in the AO device itself, not to the "bump" commands sent to the mount. Since the AO device is not trying to move a heavy piece of equipment, you can afford to be more aggressive in your guide algorithm parameters. If you use a hysteresis-based algorithm, for example, you should probably start with a high level of aggressiveness, perhaps 100%. Or you can choose the 'None' algorithm, which means there will be no damping or history-based algorithm applied at all. In that case, each correction will be based only on the most recent guide frame and will make a 100% correction of the most recent deflection.
You can use the four parameters at the bottom of the AO tab to control the calibration process and the manner in which 'bump' operations are done. The 'calibration step' field tells PHD2 the amount to move the tip/tilt element in each of the up/down/left/right directions, in units of AO steps, during calibration. The guide star position is measured at the beginning and end of each "leg" of the calibration, and the 'samples to average' parameter tells PHD2 how many samples to take at each of these points. Averaging images is important because the seeing will always cause the guide star to "bounce around" a bit. As discussed earlier, the AO unit can make corrections only within a limited range of guide star movement. You will want to initiate mount 'bump' corrections before these limits are actually reached, and the 'bump percentage' field is used for that purpose. To move the mount, the full bump correction is accomplished in steps - the 'bump step' field controls the size of these increments. If the bump operation has begun and the guide star remains outside the "bump percentage" area, PHD2 will increase the bump size until the guide star is back within that range. Additional movement from that point to the "center" position will continue at the specified "bump step size". This complexity is required in order to maintain good guiding, with no elongated stars, even as the mount is being bumped. During the bump operation, the AO is continuing to make corrections, so the long "mount bump" is continuously offset by adjustments in the AO.
AO TabMost of the edit controls at the top of the AO tab have the same meaning as their counterparts on the 'Mount' tab. The guiding algorithms apply to the control of the tip/tilt optical element in the AO device itself, not to the "bump" commands sent to the mount. Since the AO device is not trying to move a heavy piece of equipment, you can afford to be more aggressive in your guide algorithm parameters. If you use a hysteresis-based algorithm, for example, you should probably start with a high level of aggressiveness, perhaps 100%. Or you can choose the 'None' algorithm, which means there will be no damping or history-based algorithm applied at all. In that case, each correction will be based only on the most recent guide frame and will make a 100% correction of the most recent deflection. You can use the four parameters at the bottom of the AO tab to control the calibration process and the manner in which 'bump' operations are done. The 'calibration step' field tells PHD2 the amount to move the tip/tilt element in each of the up/down/left/right directions, in units of AO steps, during calibration. The guide star position is measured at the beginning and end of each "leg" of the calibration, and the 'samples to average' parameter tells PHD2 how many samples to take at each of these points. Averaging images is important because the seeing will always cause the guide star to "bounce around" a bit. As discussed earlier, the AO unit can make corrections only within a limited range of guide star movement. You will want to initiate mount 'bump' corrections before these limits are actually reached, and the 'bump percentage' field is used for that purpose. To move the mount, the full bump correction is accomplished in steps - the 'bump step' field controls the size of these increments. If the bump operation has begun and the guide star remains outside the "bump percentage" area, PHD2 will increase the bump size until the guide star is back within that range. Additional movement from that point to the "center" position will continue at the specified "bump step size". This complexity is required in order to maintain good guiding, with no elongated stars, even as the mount is being bumped. During the bump operation, the AO is continuing to make corrections, so the long "mount bump" is continuously offset by adjustments in the AO.