i am the owner of two fast food shops at Kowloon Bay. From my viewpoint, the present statutory minimum rate of HK$28 an hour is set at a reasonable level and there are no grounds to adjust it to a higher level. The reasons are as follows:The HK$28 level was set after much public consultation in which the living index and pay rise percentage of the past two years had also been taken into consideration. As the level is based on reliable data analysis and estimation, both employers and employees should accept this level. In addition, a wage of more than HK$28 would increase the cost of running a business, causing ripple effects. If employers cannot make enough profit, they may have to close down their businesses. As an alternative, they may lay off employees, switch some permanent posts to temporary ones or increase meal prices instead. Hence, the ultimate sufferer will be those in the low income group who cannot afford the high food prices. When talking about some people being unable to meet the expenses of their families, we need to ask if the problem can completely be solved by setting a higher minimum wage level.