Wal–Mart requested BAJI No. 8.20 (8th ed.1994) which provided as follows:“The [owner] [occupant] [lessor] of premises is not negligent and is not liable for an injury suffered by a person on the premises which resulted from a dangerous or defective condition of which the [owner] [occupant] [lessor] had no knowledge, unless the condition existed for such a length of time that if the [owner] [occupant] [lessor] had exercised reasonable care in inspecting the premises the [[owner] [occupant] [lessor]] would have discovered the condition in time to remedy it or to give warning before the injury occurred.“[Nor may the [owner] [occupant] [lessor] be found to be negligent if, having exercised ordinary care, [he][or][she] discovered such a condition before the time of the injury, but not long enough before to provide [him] [or][her] the time reasonably necessary to remedy the condition or to give reasonable warning or to provide reasonable protection.]”