3.4. Pre‐Launch DevelopmentThe objectives of the previous phases have been understanding the non‐obvious dimensions of the innovation challenge, learning as much and fast as possible about them, generating alternative design concepts, and iterate among them in order to identify and discard inferior solutions. In summary, the objectives have been to reduce ignorance, ambiguity, uncertainty and risk. Once a team has reached a point where learning through prototyping and experimentation does not generate new learning and/or does not require significant refinement of the prototype, it can start pre‐launch development.This phase focuses on detailed design of the new product, related services and processes, design of the systems that will allow and sustain the new user experience. It includes system‐level and detailed design, and final rounds of testing and refinement, along with design for manufacturing (in order to reduce manufacturing costs), designing distribution channels (in order to optimize the logistics of market delivery), designing the launch of the new product (in order to maximize market adoption and diffusion), and marketing (in order to define sales plan) and production (in order to evaluate early production output and placement) plans, among others.This phase allows for appropriate market launch and exploitation (Ulrich & Eppinger, 2004), along with learning as much as possible about production and exploitation before getting to the market (Pisano, 1996).