Assessment of the Hypothesized RelationshipsPrior to testing the hypothesized mediation model, the causal steps model-building proce- dure was used to determine whether direct ef- fects were needed in the model (i.e., full vs. partial mediation; Holmbeck, 1997). First, a model including only direct paths between pa- rental conditional regard and the perfectionism dimensions was tested. With the exception of the RMSEA, fit indexes suggested that this model possessed an acceptable fit to the data: 2 98.41 (33), p .001; 2/df 2.98; TLI .91; CFI .94; SRMR .10; RMSEA .12; 90% CI [.09, .14]. As hypothesized, parental conditional regard positively predicted perfec- tionistic strivings ( .29, 95% BCa CI. [.10, .46]) and perfectionistic concerns ( .63, 95% BCa CI. [.45, .77]). The model accounted for 49% of the variance in perfectionistic striv- ings and 70% of the variance in perfectionistic concerns.