Excuse me. I'd like to know where the __________ for Far East Airlines is.(1)information(2)counter(3)laboratory(4)desktopExcuse me. I'd like to know where the counter for Far East Airlines is.163.(2)Tomorrow I will __________ the plane flying to New York.(1)turn(2)board(3)check(4)moveTomorrow I will board the plane flying to New York.164.(1)Press the button to call the flight __________ if you need anything on the plane.(1)attendant(2)hostess(3)host(4)serverPress the button to call the flight attendant if you need anything on the plane.165.(4)Here's your boarding pass. Your __________ is B36.(1)boarding number(2)boarding seat(3)boarding door(4)boarding gateHere's your boarding pass. Your boarding gate is B36.166.(2)Is it really __________ to follow these rules?(1)pathetic(2)necessary(3)mindful(4)standardIs it really necessary to follow these rules?167.(3)Please remember to __________ your ticket every time before you go.(1)investigate(2)look around(3)reconfirm(4)look intoPlease remember to reconfirm your ticket every time before you go.168.(1)Excuse me. What is the free __________ for passengers' carry-on luggage?(1)allowance(2)reservation(3)weight(4)loadingExcuse me. What is the free allowance for passengers' carry-on luggage?