My dear ,
How was your weekend? i guess you are enjoyed it. Thanks for your story, i felt your pains and i want you to forget the past and focus on your future. i know that this may sound surprise to you but is the fact. Right from my first mail i sent to you till now i have kept this feelings away from you. But i released that feelings are meant to be express that's why i took the bull by the horn today to disclose that which i have been nursing for a while now.
So i think it's time to confess my love for you. I have never felt this way about any body in my life. I know it sounds cliche', but you are literally the first thing i think of when i wake and the last thing i think of before i sleep. You have taken my heart with both hands and that scares the hell out of me.I know love is not easy to come by. But when i see one i can tell.
I will appreciate you as my wife and we have a lot of thing to do together as husband and wife. Having dinner together, shopping, traveling and even cooking. If my request is granted then i will be looking forward to meet you in person so that we can discuss and plan for our future also formalized our relationship with your relation over there. I can't wait to meet you in person soon and give you a big hug and kiss as my beloved love. I pray and hope my dream comes true as soon as possible. Have a nice and lovely day.