- cannot read mkv file read eror from start no prview just white blank
,format avi too there is video priview but when we play cannot read file,
- audio codec for video file dont has sound such as opus 2.0 , aac 2.0 ,
ac3 2.0, ac3 5.1, dolby ac3 2.0 , mov
- video format avi , mkv , mov , flv, mp4, 3gp video sound or audio from
the video dont came out / no sound just playing visual.
- some video like mp4 cannot find or identified the video screen resolution
even tough the resolution is full hd 1080p from my pc just i check it.
- some picture cannot read , no priview , and doesnt know resolution of
size file but on pc therevis the size and resolution , such as jpg jpeg png
hope have new version and u fix this problem so its gonna work normally
like usually , i just read spec for this hp that can read video file mkv
avi mp4 flv , ogg mp3 m4a aac ac3 avc opus from the site , and jpg jpeg png
gif tiff.