Methods<br>Characteristics of experimental polygons<br>The researches were conducted within the Pryazazovsky National Natural Park, which is located on the territory of Zaporizhzhya region within Yakivsky, Melitopol, Pryazovskyi, Berdyansk districts and M. Berdyansk. The park area is located in the Sea of Azov Sea and includes the aquaculture (coastal part of the Azov Sea, estuaries, bays, channel and floodplain of small rivers, their mouths, small artificial reservoirs) and terrestrial (seaside braids, the coast, significant on the squares land plots in river flood plains, land plots, areas with primary steppe vegetation, minor groups of shrubs and woody plantings) landscape-Biotopiyni complexes (Vorovka, 2011). On the territory of Pryazovskyi Park was placed 9 experimental polygons (Fig. 1) covering the steppe areas or slopes, salt marshes, coastal sandy soils (bars) and reservoirs (rivers, lakes, estuaries, sea bays, lagoons).