Interdependence refers to the extent to which organizational unitsneed to exchange information or material to accomplish their tasks[76]. It is a source of uncertainty when the information or actionstaken by one unit affect the actions and work outcomes of other units[4]. According to OIPT, greater interdependence between unitsrequires greater coordination/communication mechanisms to promoteinformation sharing [34,77].Implementing an information system, such as a data warehouse, isa mechanism that increases information processing capacity [29]. Adata warehouse can increase the information processing capacity bycreating a source of high quality, integrated data for decision support[20]. The architecture of a data warehouse influences the informationprocessing capacity provided. As such, the information processingview suggests that the extent of information interdependencebetween business units determines the need for different levels ofinformation processing capacity, which in turn determines the datawarehouse architecture most appropriate for an organization.When faced with the need for high information sharing amongbusiness units, an architecture solution that provides greaterintegration of data across units provide higher information processingcapacity. An EDW architecture guides the implementation of such asolution; whereas the IDM architecture provides less integrationacross business units. Accordingly, the need for greater informationbetween organizational units leads to the selection of an architecturethat accommodates greater integration of data across units.