In Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) initially reared at 30 ppt, Hsp70 and IgM gene expression levels in the kidney and liver were analyzed between 18 and 42 ppt [27]. IgM levels in the kidney significantly decreased upon initial transfer and then increased after salinity conditions reached the desired level. They report the use of a control group, which presumably was maintained at the original temperature and salinity. However, their experimental matrix suggests that while they implemented another group that changed the temperature but not the salinity, there was no comparable group where they changed the salinity but not the temperature. Thus, it is difficult to separate the interactions that are occurring between these two environmental factors.
Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) are a commonly aquacultured species that is tolerant of a wide range of salinities from brackish to hyper-saline [81]. A study on gilthead sea bream that had been acclimated at 38 ppt, investigated the impact of salinity changes on immune function in two independent experiments [82]. In the first experiment, fish were placed in brackish water (12 ppt), hyper-saline water (55 ppt), or 38 ppt (control) and sampled after two weeks. Fish acclimated to hyper-saline water significantly increased total IgM levels compared to control, while IgM levels in brackish water remained unaltered. In the second experiment, fish were divided between low saline water (6 ppt), brackish water (12 ppt), or 38 ppt (control) and sampled after 100 days. In the low saline acclimated fish, peroxidase content and alternative complement activity were significantly lower than the control group, however IgM levels in plasma did not appear to be affected [82].
In yellow drum (Nibea albiflora), juveniles were placed under salinity stress for 7 days at 9, 16, and 23 ppt (control) to test the immunity and antioxidant levels of serum [83]. At a salinity of 9 ppt, IgM levels significantly decreased, while total serum antioxidant capacity increased. Although lysozyme and IgM gradually changed, it is thought that yellow drum can effectively adapt to the salinity levels tested, but lower salinity levels could potentially compromise immunity.
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) that were raised at four salinities (6–32 ppt) for a short period (19–57 days), then returned to normal seawater (32 ppt) for (20–391 days) displayed no significant changes in plasma protein concentration, natural antibody activity or anti-trypsin activity, representing its benefit in commercial aquaculture for being tolerant to high and low environmental salinities [50]. After 57 days at 6 ppt, plasma cortisol levels were around 10 ng/ml higher compared to other salinities, indicating that 6 ppt is near the limit of chronic stress. Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) initially reared in fresh water were transferred to hypersaline water concentrations of (
多宝鱼 (大菱鲆) 最初饲养在 30 ppt 之间 18 和 42 ppt [27] 分析了热休克蛋白 70 和 IgM 基因的表达水平在肾脏和肝脏。肾 IgM 水平显著降低初始转让,然后增加后盐度条件达到理想的水平。他们报告说使用了对照组,大概保持在原始温度和盐度。然而,他们的实验矩阵表明,他们实施改变温度,但不是盐度的另一组,但却没有可比性的集团,他们改变了盐度,但温度不能使。因此,很难分开的这两个环境因素之间发生的相互作用。Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) are a commonly aquacultured species that is tolerant of a wide range of salinities from brackish to hyper-saline [81]. A study on gilthead sea bream that had been acclimated at 38 ppt, investigated the impact of salinity changes on immune function in two independent experiments [82]. In the first experiment, fish were placed in brackish water (12 ppt), hyper-saline water (55 ppt), or 38 ppt (control) and sampled after two weeks. Fish acclimated to hyper-saline water significantly increased total IgM levels compared to control, while IgM levels in brackish water remained unaltered. In the second experiment, fish were divided between low saline water (6 ppt), brackish water (12 ppt), or 38 ppt (control) and sampled after 100 days. In the low saline acclimated fish, peroxidase content and alternative complement activity were significantly lower than the control group, however IgM levels in plasma did not appear to be affected [82].In yellow drum (Nibea albiflora), juveniles were placed under salinity stress for 7 days at 9, 16, and 23 ppt (control) to test the immunity and antioxidant levels of serum [83]. At a salinity of 9 ppt, IgM levels significantly decreased, while total serum antioxidant capacity increased. Although lysozyme and IgM gradually changed, it is thought that yellow drum can effectively adapt to the salinity levels tested, but lower salinity levels could potentially compromise immunity.提出了四个盐度下 (6-32 ppt) 短时间内 (19-57 天),然后返回到正常海水 (32 ppt) (20-391 天) 的大西洋鳕鱼 (大西洋鳕) 中血浆蛋白浓度、 天然抗体活性或抗胰蛋白酶活性,表示宽容对高、 低环境盐度 [50] 商业水产养殖效益显示无显著变化。在 6 ppt 的 57 天后, 血浆皮质醇水平是大约 10 吴/毫升高相比其他的盐度,指示那 6 ppt 接近慢性应激的极限。银大麻哈鱼 (鲑) 最初在淡水养殖被转移到高盐度水浓度的 (< 0.5 (控制)、 8 (低)、 16 (中型) 和 32 ppt (高)) 增加 4 ppt 每隔 2 天 [66]。使用微阵列分析,作者发现基因表达诱导盐度高度依赖于组织的。总体来看,有人对盐度驯化的反应免疫基因的鳃、 肝和嗅觉莲座丛引起免疫抑制效果一般。少年大鲟鱼 (鳇鱼鳇鱼) 血液学参数适应盐度的 0、 3、 6、 9、 和 12 ppt 进行调查后 20 天 [84]。降低的血红细胞、 红细胞压积、 血红蛋白,经历了被转移从淡水到咸淡水时相比,控制鱼的鱼。虽然有没有变化,白血细胞、 单核细胞、 嗜酸性粒细胞,淋巴细胞显著增加被视为只与从 0 增加到 12 的 ppt。