The word “biodiversity” is a term heard with increasing frequency in t的繁體中文翻譯

The word “biodiversity” is a term h

The word “biodiversity” is a term heard with increasing frequency in the ongoing debate
over how best to protect the world’s environment, and more specifically, how to preserve its rapidly
dwindling numbers of plant and animal species. In very general terms, “biodiversity” refers to the
numbers plant and animal species that can be found in a particular habitat or ecosystem. This is
apparently a very simple concept, but the simplicity of it belies its significance. A better popular
understanding of the real meaning of biodiversity and of its importance to the circumstances in
which we presently find ourselves is critical to the success of efforts to protect the environment, and
therefore essential to our own survival.
Global biodiversity, which is the total number of plant and animal species existing on the
planet at any one time, can only be estimated; and only very roughly estimated at that. Undoubtedly,
many species remain to be discovered. Some of these, such as insects and microscopic life, are
small enough to have escaped our notice, while others dwell in areas we have only begun to explore;
the species inhabiting the deepest ocean depths, for example. It must also be remembered that we
are in the midst of a mass extinction event. Species are now disappearing at a rate estimated to be
between 1,000 and 10,000 times faster than the average for the history of life on earth. Taken
together, these two uncertain elements prevent the global biodiversity estimate from becoming
much more than an educated guess. The current best estimate is somewhere in the neighborhood of
100 to 200 million species.
This number, while it may be of some interest to nonscientists, isn’t of much real value to
researchers. They are generally more concerned with local biodiversity. Despite the apparent
enormity of the number of species that inhabit the earth as a whole, local biodiversity - the number
of species found in any one habitat - fluctuates greatly as we cross the boundaries separating the
ecosystems that make up the Earth’s biosphere. It reaches its highest levels on the coral reefs and in
the tropical rain forests where there may be thousands of species per acre.
Of course, it is this value - the measure of local biodiversity - that is most useful for anyone
concerned with assessing the health of an ecosystem or protecting it from destruction. In measuring
the biodiversity of a particular ecosystem, biologists are usually quite impartial when weighing the
relative significance of each species. Most are assigned a value of one, the total number of species
then representing the target value. However, there are two conditions under which one species may
be weighted more heavily than others. This would certainly be the case for any species that by virtue
of its genetic uniqueness would constitute a special loss to the global gene pool in the event of its
extinction. The tuatara is a good example of just such a species. As the only surviving member of a

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family of reptiles that, except for it, died out 60 million years ago, the tuatara qualifies on grounds
of genetic uniqueness to be weighted more heavily in calculating the biodiversity of its habitat.
A species may be accorded bonus points in the biodiversity equation for another reason as
well; it may be deemed more significant by virtue of the role it plays in the ecosystem. An example
of this would be the California sea otter. [1] The preferred food of this species of marine mammal is
the sea urchin; a marine invertebrate, which feeds on a certain type of sea grass known as kelp. [2]
Were it not for the otter’s contribution in controlling the sea urchin population, the undersea kelp
forest would surely be decimated by a dramatic increase in the population of sea urchins. [3] This
would remove a key supporting element – the kelp – from the habitat of many fish and invertebrate
species that depend on it. [4] This, in turn, would fundamentally alter an entire undersea habitat and
undoubtedly put a risk a number of different species that have adapted to its peculiar characteristics.
Therefore, the behavior of the otter in actively maintaining the local diversity of species dictates that
it should be assigned a higher biodiversity value.

Question 51: What was the author’s main purpose in writing the passage?
A. To explain why biodiversity is essential to our survival.
B. To explain the concept of biodiversity.
C. To show why local biodiversity is more important than global biodiversity.
D. To clarify the dangers that result from declining biodiversity.
Question 52: The word “dwindling” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. extinct B. diverse C. proliferating D. diminishing
Question 53: It is implied in the passage that we don’t have an accurate measure of global
biodiversity because
A. the number of species is constantly changing.
B. populations of animals move from place to place.
C. we don’t know the ecological role played by all species.
D. the definition of biodiversity is not clear enough.
Question 54: The word “enormity” in the passage is closest in the meaning to
A. important B. quality C. vastness D. accuracy
Question 55: According to the passage, the largest number of species would be found
A. on the coral reefs.
B. in the boundary areas between local systems.
C. in the undersea kelp forests.
D. in fresh water lakes and streams.
Question 56: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT important in assessing
A. The special function a particular species plays in an ecosystem.
B. The number of species present in an ecosystem.
C. The genetic uniqueness of the species within an ecosystem.
D. The size of the area an ecosystem covers.
Question 57: The author mentioned the sea urchin in the last paragraph in order to
A. illustrate the richness of life in California waters.
B. illustrate the special importance of a particular species.
C. increase the reader’s awareness of the sea urchin’s endangered status.
D. advocate the protection for the kelp forest environment.
Question 58: The word “impartial” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. neutral B. subjective C. theoretical D. uncertain
Question 59: Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?
A. Local biodiversity may change, but global biodiversity does not.
B. All species have the same significance when considering biodiversity.
C. The concept of biodiversity is of little value to ecologists.
D. The earth is experiencing a reduction in global biodiversity.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
"生物多樣性"一詞是在正在進行的辯論越來越多地聽到一個術語在如何最好地保護世界環境和更具體的來說,如何保持其迅速植物和動物物種的減少數量。非常籠統,"生物多樣性"是指數位植物和動物物種可以在一個特定的棲息地或生態系統中發現。這是顯然一個非常簡單的概念,但它的簡單掩蓋了其意義。更受歡迎真正意義的生物多樣性和它對在這種情況下的重要性的認識我們目前發現自己是保護環境的努力取得成功的關鍵,因此必須對我們自己的生存。全球的生物多樣性,是存在於植物和動物物種的總數地球上任何一個時間,只能估計;和只粗略估計在那。無疑,許多物種仍被發現。其中的一些,比如昆蟲和微觀的生命,是小到足以有逃離我們的注意,而其他人住在地區我們只開始探索;例如居住在海洋深處的物種。此外必須銘記,我們正在大規模的滅絕事件。現在消失的速度估計為之間 1000 和 10000 倍快比在地球上生命的歷史平均水準。採取在一起,這兩個不確定因素防止全球生物多樣性評估遠遠不只是一個猜測。當前最佳估計值是在附近的地方100 到 2 億的物種。這一數位,雖然它可能是科學家,一些感興趣的不是對很多真正有價值的研究人員。他們是通常更關心當地的生物多樣性。儘管明顯作為整體,當地的生物多樣性-數居住在地球的物種數目龐大任何一個棲息地 — — 發現的物種波動較大作為我們十字架界限分明組成地球的生物圈的生態系統。它到達珊瑚礁上的生物和中的最高水準熱帶雨林,那裡可能有成千上萬的物種每英畝。當然,這是這是對任何人來說最有用的價值-當地的生物多樣性的措施-與評估生態系統的健康或保護它免受破壞有關。在測量一個特定的生態系統的生物多樣性,生物學家們通常相當公正時稱重每個物種的相對重要性。大多數被分配一個價值之一,物種總數然後表示的目標值。然而,有兩個條件下,一種可能將加權比其他人更重。這一定會任何物種的理由,以德治國其遺傳的獨特性會構成特殊的損失,給全球的基因池的情況下其滅絕。大蜥蜴是很好的例子就是這樣一個物種。作為唯一的倖存成員 TRƯỜNG PTTH LƯƠNG THẾ 榮董裡 4/8-Mã đề thi 314 家庭的爬行動物,要不是它,死了 6000 萬多年前,大蜥蜴有資格的理由要更多地權衡在計算其棲息地的生物多樣性的遺傳獨特性。一種可給予生物多樣性方程積分和的另一個原因很好;它可被認為是由於它在生態系統中的作用更為顯著。示例這將是加州海獺。[1] 這種海洋哺乳動物首選的食物是海膽;海洋無脊椎動物,哺養對某一類型的海草稱為海帶。[] 2要不是在控制海膽的數量,海底海帶水獺的貢獻森林肯定會九死一生的海膽人口急劇增加。[3] 這將刪除關鍵支撐元件 — — 海帶 — — 從很多魚和無脊椎動物的棲息地依賴于它的物種。[4] 這,反過來,將從根本上改變整個海底生境和無疑把風險已經適應的不同物種數量到其特有的特徵。因此,在積極維護當地的物種多樣性水獺的行為決定,它應分配較高的生物多樣性價值。 問題 51: 在寫這篇短文的作者的主要目的是什麼?A.解釋為什麼生物多樣性對我們的生存至關重要。B.解釋生物多樣性的概念。C.對顯示為什麼當地的生物多樣性是全球生物多樣性比更重要。D.對澄清導致生物多樣性下降的危險。問題 52:"減少"在課文中的單詞是最接近的意義A.滅絕 B.多樣化 C.增殖 D.遞減問題 53: 它被隱含在這篇文章,我們沒有精確的全球生物多樣性因為A.物種的數量在不斷變化。B.人口的動物移動從一個地方到另一個地方。C.我們不知道所有物種的生態作用。D.生物多樣性的定義並不清晰。問題 54: 課文中的"巨大"一詞是對意思相近A.重要 B.品質 C.浩瀚 D.精度問題 55: 根據這篇文章,會發現物種的最大數目A.在珊瑚礁上。B.在本地系統之間的邊界地區。C.在海底海帶森林。D.在淡水湖泊和溪流。問題 56: 根據文章,下列哪項不重要的評估生物多樣性?A.特殊功能特定物種中的生態系統。B.在生態系統中物種數。C.遺傳獨特性的生態系統內的物種。D.生態系統涵蓋的面積大小。問題 57: 作者提到海膽在最後一段A.說明在加利福尼亞州水域中生活的豐富多彩。B.說明某一物種的特殊重要性。C.增加的讀者意識的海膽的瀕危狀態。D.宣導對海帶森林環境的保護。58 個問題:"公正"在課文中的單詞是最接近的意義中性 B.主觀 C.理論西元不確定問題 59: 支援哪種以下語句是由段落?A.當地的生物多樣性可能會改變,但全球生物多樣性不能。B.所有物種都具有相同的意義時考慮生物多樣性。C.生物多樣性概念是對生態學家無甚價值。D.地球正在經歷全球生物多樣性減少。
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
在任何一個時間行星,只能估計; 只有極粗略估計的。毫無疑問,
比一般的地球上生命的歷史快至10,000 1,000倍。兩者
滅絕。該喙頭蜥就是這樣一個物種的一個很好的例子。作為唯一倖存的成員張庭PTTH陳德良的VINH莊4/8 - MA東江環保THI 314 家爬行動物,除了它,死在60萬年前,在喙頭蜥資格為由遺傳獨特性被更大的權重。在計算其棲息地的生物多樣性甲種可能的另一個原因是生物多樣性公式給予加分好; 它可被認為憑藉它在生態系統中所扮演的角色的更顯著。一個例子中,這將是加州海獺。[1]這種海洋哺乳動物的首選食物是海膽; 海洋無脊椎動物,它助長了某種類型的海草被稱為海帶。[2] 如果不是在控制海膽人口水獺的貢獻,海底海帶森林將肯定會在海膽的人口急劇增加銳減。[3]這將消除一個關鍵支撐因素-海帶-從許多魚類和無脊椎動物的棲息地物種依賴於它。[4]這,反過來,會從根本上改變整個海底棲息地,並毫無疑問把風險的號碼已經適應了其獨特的特點。不同種類的因此,水獺的行為,積極維護物種的多樣性當地決定了它應該被賦予更高的生物多樣性價值。問51:什麼是書面的推移作者的主要目的A. 要解釋為什麼生物多樣性是必不可少的我們的生存。B. 要解釋生物多樣性的概念。C. 為了說明為什麼當地的生物多樣性比全球生物多樣性更重要。D. 要澄清的是,導致生物多樣性減少的危險。問題52:在通過“萎縮”這個詞的意思最接近A. B.滅絕C.不同D.增殖減少問題53:這是在暗示,我們沒有全球性的精確測量的通道,因為生物多樣性A. 物種的數量在不斷地變化。B. 動物種群從一個地方移動到的地方。C. 我們不知道所有的物種所發揮的生態作用。D. 生物多樣性的定義不夠清晰。問54:在通道單詞“艱鉅”最接近的含義A. B.重要C.質量D.浩瀚的精度問題55:根據文章,數量最多的品種會被發現A. 珊瑚礁上。B. 在本地系統之間的邊界地區。C. 在海底海帶森林。D. 在淡水湖泊和溪流根據文章,下列哪一項不是在評估重要:問題56 生物多樣性?A. 特殊功能特定物種中發揮著生態系統。B. 存在的生態系統的物種的數量。C. 在生態系統中物種的遺傳獨特性。D. 一個生態系統覆蓋區域的大小。問題57:筆者在命令提及的海膽在最後一段給A. 說明了生活的豐富性在加利福尼亞州水域。B. 說明特定物種的特殊重要性。C. 增加的海膽的瀕危狀況讀者的意識。D. 倡導海帶森林環境的保護。問題58:在通道單詞“公正”是最接近的意義A. B.中性C.主觀理論D.不確定問題59:下面哪個說法是支持的通道?A. 當地的生物多樣性可能會改變,但全球生物多樣性沒有。B. 所有物種具有相同的意義考慮生物多樣性的時候。C. 生物多樣性的概念是沒有什麼價值的生態學家。D. 地球正在經歷全球生物多樣性的減少。

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