First, the study’s findings may be particularly relevant for the Millennial segment, as social media is one of the most effective ways to reach Millennial consumers (Tourism Northern Ireland Board 2013). Raised in a mediasaturated era, Millennials are more likely than previous generations to rely on peers’ WOM rather than commercial advertisements when making purchase decisions (Peterson 2004). Peer influence on social media has been recognized as the most powerful tool for tourism marketers to utilize to reach out to this particular consumer segment (Tourism Northern Ireland Board 2013). Considering the unique characteristics of Millennials—they prefer experiences over material possessions (Morgan 2015) and value authenticity, creativity, and uniqueness (Nielsen 2014)—tourism marketers could highlight authentic, creative, and unique experiences in social media marketing activities to provoke benign envy and aspirational consumption among Millennial consumers. For instance, in 2016 the Los Angeles Tourism Bureau launched a new tourism marketing campaign, “Get Lost in LA,” specifically targeting Millennial travelers. Unlike previous campaigns geared toward older generations, the new campaign focused on local neighborhood experiences, such as local food, natural street views, and hidden gems, over iconic LA attractions (Skift 2016). To further connect with Millennials, two lifestyle influencers on Instagram (a popular photo-sharing social media platform) were invited to appear in the campaign video, and social media engagement was encouraged across major social media sites including Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, and Pinterest (Hughes 2016).