The Batman story is new, the rest is maybe not so obvious when you don’t have a buzz,” she explained turning around after noticing a group of people looking at the couple. It seemed people started to notice who was standing in front the hotel. “Peter it gets chilly, you wanna-?” it was to late, a young woman approached them timidly.
“Excuse me? Are you…?” the eyes of the woman, maybe in Jenna's age, bustled curious between Peter and Jenna around.
Jenna had no chance to answer the question, Peter was just too much in the mood to get rid of his alcoholic energy.
“Hello!” maybe one octave to high in Jennas ears. “Who do you think we are?” His smile was appealing.
The girl, shy but encouraged through his open body language answered, “You are the Doctor. Peter Capaldi.”
“Correct. Hi,” he hold out his hand. “Nice meeting you!” Not only shaking her hand, also placing his other hand on top too.
Jenna just rose an arm, waving, and smiled politely, hidden behind her professional expression, she wanted to hit Peter and stop him from being so… so flirty.
"Mister Capaldi, would you sign my T shirt?"
Peter spun around on his tiptoes, scanning the white Beatles shirt she was wearing. “Yes, of course!” tapping with flat hands over his jacket to check for a pen. He hadn’t one, so Jenna gave him hers out of her purse.
“Thank you!” he trilled again, looking back to the girl, then doting onto the shirt, turning back to Jenna, “Cool T Shirt, isn’t it?”
"Yeah," Jenna answered half amused half embarrased about Peters overcommitment. Hopefully the fan wouldn’t notice over her own excitement, that the star of Britain’s number one show was very tipsy. As well, that Peter would not increase his “caring”, as she called it in silence.
"Love it! What is your name, dear?" already the bottom part of the shirt in his hand to write down his signature.
The woman hesitated for a moment, “It is... Clara.” A strong red blush washed over her face. Even in the dark noticeable.
Peter let go of the shirt. “You are kidding me!”
It was not the first time someone’s name was Clara, or Peter or Jenna, and every time he was like “oh nice, cool” - a professional reaction – yet in this state of exception, he did like winning the lottery or something.
'Is this him, flirting?'
"No, really!" the Girl pulled out her driver license. "See!"
Peter took it from her hand, not without slightly brushing his hands against hers, all seen by Jenna who shook unseen her head about this observation. 'Really, Peter? I mean how old is she?'
"Indeed, it is Clara," jumping over to Jenna, to show her the proof.
“So you thing about becoming a companion on day?” she didn’t knew why she said it, she just wanted to finish this and go inside. Seeing a little glint in Peters eyes, she knew she should have just kept quiet.
“Two Claras in my Tardis, would be great, wouldn’t it?”
'Did he just really…?'
He winked at Jenna, and gave the licence back. “Lovely name. So,” he wrote down on the shirt, “For Clara. Jenna?” he held the pen over to her, so she could sign too, what she did, on the other side of the shirt.
The young woman was grinning from ear to ear about all the luck she received, “Thank you so much! I can’t believe this is happening!”
"How about a picture? You have a phone?" Peter was even more excited as the girl, and cheered happy when the girl pulled out her phone.
"Let’s do the selfie!" he took the phone from her, held it in front of them, moving his head close to the woman’s and made not only one picture, but a few.