Day 1.3.1 simple flexible dream meant someone dreams during the day. [2]. In the interpretation, dream is a verb as predicate, during the day is a prepositional phrase as adverbial, the entire structure/adverbial verb. 0 in compound verbs, however, actual semantics is the equivalent of the day-dream/during the daysomeone dreams.0, that is, an adverbial verb/0, opposite of the normal sentence order; but the length of the new term was half its original size, its simple flexibility is clear. At the same time, reduction of new Word adverbial after the verb placed before the word was ranked first, changing the nature of SVOC in English word order,Empowering daydream highlight and emphasize. In addition, daydream new words created new metaphorically: to think about something pleasant, especially when this makes you forget what you should be doing[10].
1.3.2 image of humorous metaphor original means any twisting of the rubber neck
Rubber neck. After the conversion of noun to verb, meaning/long neck watching curiously extension 0 or/turned to watch the 0, the metaphor of humor far more vivid than a simple description. Ghostwrite presented to the reader in front of not only are those of the author, there are ghosts behind will always find it difficult to tear apart.Henpeck vivid description of hen pecked on the surface, but image description/a hen-pecked husband 0; this image is good for really tough discipline, better able to feel the sting of ears. Wet_blanket is not just disappointing, it also makes you realize the foot back bitterly disappointed. Wolf_whistle there's a shrill whistle is not the
, which in combination with the evil female vagueness. As for the high_five, five fingers you hoist this up
action itself, isn't humorous image to convey to you the friendly excitement about it?