Deliveries and Shipping Documents:
Advance Ship Notice:
The Advance Ship Notice (ASN) is a record, by carton, prepared by the shipper, of the goods leaving your facility. The ASN must be sent immediately following the goods leaving your facility to ensure timely and accurate shipment information. The ASN, coupled with bar-coded carton labels, allow both you and L.L.Bean to know precisely what is in each carton prior to, during and after the arrival of the shipment to our facility.
To process incoming shipments most efficiently, we request our vendors send ASN's via EDI. If you do not currently use EDI, please contact your L.L.Bean Packaging Specialist.
Delivery Location
All shipments must be delivered to the location specified on your Purchase Order unless otherwise instructed by L.L. Bean.
Scheduling Deliveries
Deliveries must be scheduled during the stores’ hours of operation unless otherwise negotiated. Store hours of operation are 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM Local time. Thursday is the scheduled delivery day in stores for all DSD deliveries, vendors must plan and ship accordingly.
L.L.Bean Vendor Manual - © L.L.Bean, Inc., all rights reserved. Refer to the content date listed on each document. L.L.Bean continually updates the Vendor Manual with new information as needed. Consider the environment before printing. This page was printed on 7/10/2015.