The Peristaltic Infusion Pump, and in particular the morecurved curvilinear design, is not only a preeminent infusionpump in today’s medical field but is gaining traction as theinfusion pump that can meet tomorrow’s needs in deliveringthe most precise, accurate dosing.Curvilinear peristaltic pumps are positive displacementpumps used for fluid transport in a variety of industries.1-2They can deliver large volume fluids at both medium- tohigh-flow rates and slower rates where precision andaccuracy are paramount.3 Today curvilinear peristalticpumps are indicated for a variety of infusions such ascontinuous, patient controlled analgesia (PCA), totalparenteral nutrition (TPN), intermittent and variabletherapies, some of which may include intravenous,epidural, or subcutaneous delivery methods.4How Peristaltic Pumps WorkPeristaltic pump mechanisms are either linear or curvilinear.Both operate in similar fashion, using a sequence of pumpstrokes or “boluses”. With each motor rotation, tubing issqueezed and released, thereby pushing fluid towards thepatient in a series of evenly spaced micro-boluses whileprohibiting backflow.2-3, 5 Pumps utilize “fingers” to exertand release pressure on tubing to direct fluid flow towardsthe patient. Fluid volume and speed is dictated by factorsincluding roller/finger size and number, pump settingsthat determine how close in time the “boluses” occur,3the chosen infusion therapy and patient need.Physics of Flow Contribute to Clinical OutcomesJust as a peristaltic pump’s sound design contributes toclinical outcomes, so does careful patient assessmentand clinician knowledge of pump and flow mechanics.6Understanding venous and arterial pressure, vasculaturequality, medication, and patient age and condition isimportant to safe, effective delivery.6Also key to patient outcome is understanding the physicsof flow, which helps maintain adequate pressure andviscosity, keeps fluid pathways open, aids in selectingappropriate tubing/catheters, and prevents technicalproblems and complications such as infiltration.6Central to the physics of flow, and ultimately an infusionpump’s therapeutic efficacy, are:• Resolution of Flow• Continuity of FlowCurvilinear Peristaltic Pumps ProvideEnhanced Resolution of FlowCurvilinear peristaltic pumps provide both accurate flow7(Resolution of Flow) and steady, precise fluid delivery foreven, extended duration (Continuity of Flow).4Resolution of Flow occurs when the pump delivers largevolumes of fluid in small, precisely timed increments.Fluid, in increments as low as 0.1-10 mL/hr, is delivered tothe patient via small boluses at each motor rotation. WithCurvilinear peristaltic pumps, small amounts of fluid can bedelivered evenly over extended time periods. This allowsfor the administration of highly accurate low-rate infusions.
蠕動輸液泵,特別是更多的<br>弧形曲線設計,不僅是一個傑出的輸液<br>在當今的醫療領域泵,但獲得牽引力的<br>輸液泵,能夠滿足在提供未來需求<br>的最精確的,精確的劑量。<br>曲線蠕動泵是正排量<br>泵用於流體輸送的各種industries.1-2 <br>他們可以在兩個中型提供大量液體<br>的高流量和速率較慢,其中精確度和<br>準確度都paramount.3今天曲線蠕動<br>泵被指示為各種輸注如<br>連續的,患者自控鎮痛(PCA),總<br>腸外營養(TPN),間歇性和可變<br>的療法,其中的一些可以包括靜脈內,<br>硬膜外,或皮下遞送methods.4 <br>蠕動泵如何工作<br>蠕動泵機構是線性的或曲線的。<br>以類似的方式進行操作,利用泵的序列<br>中風或“藥丸”。與每個電機的旋轉,管被<br>擠壓並釋放,從而推動流體朝著<br>在一系列均勻間隔的微團塊患者而<br>禁止backflow.2-3,5泵利用“手指”,以施加<br>和釋放壓力管上引導流體流向<br>病人。液量和速度是由因素決定<br>,包括滾子/手指的大小和數量,泵設置<br>that determine how close in time the “boluses” occur,3<br>the chosen infusion therapy and patient need.<br>Physics of Flow Contribute to Clinical Outcomes<br>Just as a peristaltic pump’s sound design contributes to<br>clinical outcomes, so does careful patient assessment<br>and clinician knowledge of pump and flow mechanics.6<br>Understanding venous and arterial pressure, vasculature<br>quality, medication, and patient age and condition is<br>important to safe, effective delivery.6<br>Also key to patient outcome is understanding the physics<br>of flow, which helps maintain adequate pressure and<br>viscosity, keeps fluid pathways open, aids in selecting<br>appropriate tubing/catheters, and prevents technical<br>problems and complications such as infiltration.6<br>Central to the physics of flow, and ultimately an infusion<br>pump’s therapeutic efficacy, are:<br>• Resolution of Flow<br>• Continuity of Flow<br>Curvilinear Peristaltic Pumps Provide<br>Enhanced Resolution of Flow<br>Curvilinear peristaltic pumps provide both accurate flow7<br>(Resolution of Flow) and steady, precise fluid delivery for<br>even, extended duration (Continuity of Flow).4<br>Resolution of Flow occurs when the pump delivers large<br>volumes of fluid in small, precisely timed increments.<br>Fluid, in increments as low as 0.1-10 mL/hr, is delivered to<br>the patient via small boluses at each motor rotation. With<br>曲線蠕動泵,少量的流體可以被<br>輸送均勻地延長的時間段。這使得<br>高度精確的低速率輸注給藥。