I collect Pelikan fountain pens mostly because I enjoy writing with Pelikan fountain pens. Therefore this article explores why I collect Pelikan pens and why I like to use them. In the interest of full disclosure I should note that my collecting leans toward post-World War II Pelikans including current models, so this article is biased in that direction.
A Rocky Start
My relationship with Pelikan had a rocky start. A few years ago, I paid a visit to my first real pen shop--Joon in New York. I was determined to buy my first fine fountain pen, but did not yet know much about them. I had used fountain pens for years with varying degrees of satisfaction, but my purchases were haphazard. I bought whatever caught my fancy and happened to be in the clearance case of a local pen shop, among them were pens such as a Lamy Al-Star, Cross Townsend, Recife PressMaster and two Namiki VPs.
Lacking a clear focus, I relied on the knowledgeable staff at Joon, who suggested a Pelikan M800 with a medium nib. I dipped the pen and it wrote well, so I purchased it, some Waterman blue-black ink (my first ink in a bottle and to this day my favorite ink) and hurried back to my hotel room. There I tried to remember how to fill the pen without spilling ink all over, eventually got it filled, and excitedly started to doodle. After the first few lines…nothing, nada, zip. The pen would not write. Thoroughly disgusted, I concluded, based on a grand sample of one, that all Pelikan pens stank. I moved on to exploring other brands of pens in my quest for Fountain Pen Nirvana, the One True Pen.
I collect Pelikan fountain pens mostly because I enjoy writing with Pelikan fountain pens. Therefore this article explores why I collect Pelikan pens and why I like to use them. In the interest of full disclosure I should note that my collecting leans toward post-World War II Pelikans including current models, so this article is biased in that direction.A Rocky StartMy relationship with Pelikan had a rocky start. A few years ago, I paid a visit to my first real pen shop--Joon in New York. I was determined to buy my first fine fountain pen, but did not yet know much about them. I had used fountain pens for years with varying degrees of satisfaction, but my purchases were haphazard. I bought whatever caught my fancy and happened to be in the clearance case of a local pen shop, among them were pens such as a Lamy Al-Star, Cross Townsend, Recife PressMaster and two Name VPs.Lacking a clear focus, I relied on the knowledgeable staff at Joon, who suggested a Pelikan M800 with a medium nib. I dipped the pen and it wrote well, so I purchased it, some Waterman blue-black ink (my first ink in a bottle and to this day my favorite ink) and hurried back to my hotel room. There I tried to remember how to fill the pen without spilling ink all over, eventually got it filled, and excitedly started to doodle. After the first few lines... nothing, nada, zip. The pen would not write. Thoroughly disgusted, I concluded, based on a grand sample of one, that all Pelikan pens shank. I moved on to exploring other brands of pens in my quest for Fountain Pen Nirvana, the One True Pen.