Altri quattro o cinque giorni non mi vanno ASSOLUTAMENTE bene, perchè quello era una parte di un regalo di Natale. Se non arriva il 24 probabilmente, oltre a non comprare più nulla da voi, ve lo rimanderò indietro.
Another four or five days I must be good, because that was a part of a Christmas gift.If you don't get the 24 probably, in addition to not buy anything from you, ve I might leave him behind.Greetings
Another four or five days I ABSOLUTELY go well, because that was a part of a Christmas present. If you do not get the 24 probably, in addition to not buy anything from you, I will defer back. Regards
The other four or five days there is no absolute good, because it is a preheater preheater Christmas gifts. If less than 24 except for the impossible, no more you buy I send you back,