Details of the fare search options select the flight date
payment is confirmed
passengers booking reference number: 69FGJN
the following reservation has been confirmed. We recommend that you write down the booking reference number or press the "print" key print.
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Flights departing from a trading trip details
date arrival transit time of flight models cabin level
September 17 CX367
Cathay Pacific PVG 12:25 HKG 0 773 economy Special (l)
September 19 CX6866
Dragonair HKG 19:00 PVG 0 333 economy Special (l)
entertainment device (only on Cathay Pacific/Dragonair operated flights): Shanghai to Hong Kong, Hong Kong to Shanghai
passenger names
flight frequent flyer program meal requirements seat Mr Hui Zhong Zhao CX- Standard meals CX367/44D processing
CX6866/30C processing 1,634,560,036
wife Jia Jing He standard meal CX367/44E processing
CX6866/30A processing CX-1634560018
Note: If you are not in the 24 hours before the flight made a special meal request, we may not be able to prepare for you. This arrangement also applies to take our other partners/joint venture flights.
On Cathay Pacific flights for passengers with disabilities you have specified "priority seating" and accorded "priority seating" of any passengers (but not including designated handicapped passengers), as with other designated handicapped passengers request priority seating, may be changed at the airport offered a seat.
, "Asia Miles" miles and other frequent flyer scheme? not accumulating miles
this trip destinations contact information
City/hotel name contact phone number
Hong Kong (HKG) phone details
tax/total passenger fares 13601612233
fares airline surcharges adult x 2 CNY 2,200
CNY 5,574 CNY 587?
Total fare: CNY 5,574
receiving the ticket
e-ticket than traditional paper tickets. You only need at our check-in counters to show your passport and a confirmation email.
Payment (fare CNY 5,574)
you have by OnCard Payments to complete transactions. If you need to query the transaction to the Bank, please provide the reference number 1,275,563.