Figure 1 shows the literature review process. The following numbers of articles were retrieved from each database: 781 (MEDLINE), 1625 (EMBASE) and 18 (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews). A summary of the included studies is detailed in Table 1. Eight studies were eligible enrolling a total of 685 participants. Studies included two randomised control trials (RCTs), three prospective studies, two secondaryanalyses of quasi-experimental data and one exploratory study.All interventions were outpatient-based rehabilitation programmes:seven in hospitals and one hospice-based. Three studies examined the 8 to 12-week McGill Cancer Nutrition Rehabilitation Programme (CNRP) , and three studies examined the 8-week-Ottawa Palliative Rehabilitation Programme (PRP) . Two studies examined novel rehabilitation programmes in the UK and Switzerland. All programmes were interdisciplinary and were individually tailored. Seven studies included core components combining dietary modification/supplementation and exercise . There mainingstudy includeddietary and physiotherapy interventions as an optional (non-core) element dependent on patient goals: it was not possible to ascertain numbers of participants receiving input from both these specialists [23]. Studies and patient-important outcomes and were evaluated using the GRADE approach. Consensus was reached on the quality of evidence for each patient-important outcome, presented in Tables 2 and 3.