"Try innovative" Pepsi: Lock vulnerable consumers, the main low-cost <br>as laggards, early Pepsi keen to try innovative marketing, such as locking the relative weakness of the consumer. Coca-Cola claims to be all-American drink, but in fact are white Americans drink. Pepsi-Cola in the 1940s briefly tested niche marketing, the marketing department set up specifically for the black market. <br><br>1950, Pepsi's success into the cola market in general today, because it is not healthy or tasty, but because it is cheaper. Pepsi 12-ounce bottle priced at 5 cents, the same price can only buy 6.5 ounces of Coca-Cola. <br><br>Portas joined the company in 1957, despite the exhaustion of a variety of marketing methods Pepsi, Coca-Cola and Pepsi in the market gap still is 6: 1.