In the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem (SDVRP) a limited fleet of identical capacitated vehicles have to serve a set of customers. Vehicles are based at a depot. The costs to travel between a pair of customers and between the depot and a customer are given and satisfy the triangle inequality. The goal is to minimize the total traveling cost of the vehicles. The demand of a customer may be greater than vehicle capacity. A customer may be visited by multiple vehicles and his demand split among different vehicles, if beneficial, even in the case the demand is not greater than vehicle capacity. The SDVRP has been introduced by Dror and Trudeau, 1989, Dror and Trudeau, 1990 and has received much attention, especially in the last decade. The SDVRP allows a reduction of the cost of the routes traveled by the vehicles with respect to the case where a single visit to each customer is imposed, that is with respect to the VRP. In fact, the cost of the VRP can be even halved by allowing split deliveries (see Archetti, Savelsbergh, & Speranza, 2006b). A recent survey on the SDVRP and its variants has been provided by Archetti and Speranza (2012). In this paper we focus on exact approaches for the SDVRP.