Cloud computing users range fromindividuals and small businessesto Fortune 500 firms and governments. According to a September2008 survey from the Pew Re-search Institute, nearly 69 percentof Americans use cloud computingservices (such as webmail and on-line data backup sites).3 In India,companies such as Ashok Ley-land, Tata Elxi, Bharti, Infosys,Asian Paints, and Maruti are eitherpiloting or using cloud computing.Additionally, nearly 1,500 compa-nies in India already use blended(voice-chat-data) cloud-based com-munication services from vendorssuch as Cisco WebEx and Micro-soft.4 The US government projectsthat between 2010 and 2015, itsspending on cloud computing willbe at approximately a 40-percentcompound annual growth rate(CAGR) and will pass $7 billionby 2015.5