Pagi . informasi PTS untuk Frame cross line 2.00 dan 3.00 , pihak produksi sudah melakukan proses pemasangan dengan cara di SET kan antara no B/B dan S/S , terdapat 2 ( dua ) masalah
1. Back stay dengan seat tube tidak center meskipun No untuk BB dan SS sudah di sesuaikan
Crosline 2.00 :34 pcs ( frame tidak center dengan seat tube ) , 30 pcs back stay tidak pas terhadap bb support
Crosline 3.00 : 93 pcs ( frame tidak center dengan seat tube ), dan back stay tidak pas terhadap bb suport
2. Triangle ( bb support ) ke back stay tidak pas ,lebar support yang di back stay kurang lebar , ( tidak bisa di pasang ). Nb. Karena frame ini alloy riskan untuk di pukul / di lebarkan dan sudah di cat
Proses di produksi frame di cat terlebih dahulu kemudian di lakukan proses perakitan antara triangle dengan backstay , baru dapat di ketahui center atau tidaknya antara triangle dengan back stay
Mohon bantuannya untuk di flow up ke supplier permasalahan ini , di karenakan sangan menghambat proses di produksi
In the morning. BUILDING information for the Frame cross line 2.00 and 3.00, the production has already done the installation process in a way SET right between no. B/B and S/S, there are 2 (two) problem 1. Back stay with the seat tube is not center even though No for BB and SS already in customizeCrosline 2.00:34 pcs (frames not center with the seat tube), 30 pcs back stay not fitting against the bb support Crosline 3.00:93 pcs (frames not center with the seat tube), and a back stay ill-fitting against bb suport 2. the Triangle (VB support) to the back stay not fitting, wide support in the back stay less wide, (in pairs). NB. This alloy frame due to risky for at/in the widening and already in cat Process in the production of frames in the paint first and then do the Assembly process between the triangle with the backstay, a new center in the know can or not between the triangle with a back stay Please help to flow up to the suppliers for this issue, in karenakan sangan hamper in production