The creative industry has contribute to gross domestic product (GDP) of Indonesia Rp 104,638 trillion averagely in the year 2002-2006, and absorbed employments 5.4 million averagely per year with its productivity reaching 19.5 million rupiah per worker per year. This worker productivity is higher than Rp18 million per worker national productivity yearly. In the year 2006, the creative industry has exported Rp81.5 trillion or 9.13 percent from total national export (kompas, 2008).
As a part of creative industry, batik design and the batik product is possible continuously develop, the consequence is the intellectual property right should be seriously considered to appreciate batik craftsmanship. Indonesia is rich with culture, it needs to be developed to increase value added. The various culture of Indonesia is an anvil of economic creative development has been developed by the Government of Indonesia to increase export value. In the mean time Indonesia has rank number 43 in the creative economy index ranking published by Economic Forum (WEF,2007).